Who here has truly kept gains while off?

GM, alot of guys stop training hard or stop training alltogether. so they shrink as if someone pulls a plug.

to many guys rely solely on the gear to be big.

warbird, i feel adding the slin in should keep if not add some gains post cycle.

will find out at the end of august
house1 said:
GM, alot of guys stop training hard or stop training alltogether. so they shrink as if someone pulls a plug.

to many guys rely solely on the gear to be big.

warbird, i feel adding the slin in should keep if not add some gains post cycle.

will find out at the end of august

hell yeah, i am riding out the tail end of this 4 month cycle with winny/EQ here and just dropped my insulin from 12iu to 6iu when i stopped the test enanthate......then during the anavar-only 12 weeks i go on after the winny/EQ, i'll stay off the insulin and just rely on anavar (40mg per day)/proviron/clen....then its 8 weeks off Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and clomid, so i will start up the insulin at maybe 6-8iu for the post cycle. i figure the 12 weeks on anavar is a nice break from insulin even though i use it cautiously. and funny thing i never differ much in training on or off. maybe a little less volume when off, but bascially the same intensity and weekly schedule. i still say i shy from the food when off and that kills me. but i'd rather not be fat in the lower gut area than hold onto a few lbs of muscle.
'tensity said:
Yup, me too. I've gotten stonger after each cycle but do not always keep the size. However, I tend to analyze over length of all cycles and LBM. For the last 2 cycles, I have kept between 10-12 lbs each, using Winstrol (winny) each time, along with heavy test, usually Sustanon (sust).

What's up Haus!!!!!:D