Who takes sleep aids? What works?

Juice Bigalow

New member
Anyone of you aesthetic athletes depend on sleep medication/aids to rest? I been thinking about taking serequel insta release again at night time cause it makes me tired and keeps me sleep for a solid 8-10 hours. Without something to make me drowsy my brain won't stop thinking/stressing about shit and when i finally do fall asleep i wake very easily and it's so damn hard to function without a good nights sleep!

What do you take that works well and do these medications interfere with building muscle?
Progesterone. It is part of my Dr prescribed TRT. It keeps me from waking up in middle of night with a racing brain.
Nyquil pm. cheap and available
Benydryl knocks me the hell out, don't know how it affects you, but this leaves me groggy when I wake up too so it's not my favorite knock out pill
I tried melatonin when I had my business since I was like you, the wheels never stopped turning lining things up in my head for the next day/s/week/month and the second my eye's opened for whatever reason, BOOM, I'm awake even if I was still exhausted, the wheels turned all over again so ya lay in bed for an hour, two, three until ya dose off.

Now I'm at a "real job" working graveyard and I was only getting 5-6hrs/day sleep in 2-3 hr blocks due to taking kids to school/picking them up/other parently duties. Was able to to get a scrip for Ambien, it's a hypnotic that shuts your brain down...to stop the spinning wheels persay.

You pop a itty bitty pill and within about 30 minutes, lights out. Only downside is it is addictive, doc said your brain becomes used to being lulled to sleep artificially it then relies on it, so he told me only take them as a last resort; which I do, there are just some mornings I come home wired and I know I have to sleep right away since I have to wake up soon. Ambein makes me about half as groggy when I wake up as benedryl so it's better, but not groggy proof.
Bed time tea or melatonin. I always read in bed until sleepy and usually fall asleep within minutes of putting the book down.
Valerian root, i take a supp called Somnatrol, it containes valerian root, and a bunch of other roots and flowers, it works good. Melatonin works but i fid you have to take 15mg or more for it to work, its very mild, growth hormone works, i actually just started a peptide combo of GHRP6 and sermorelin and i havent slept so good in my whole life, unconscious and wake up refreshed.
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I am resistant to melatonin, if you find that you are, 1000-2000 mg L-Tryptophan works for me. Out and peaceful within an hour of taking it, no grogginess upon wakeup and I usually sleep through the night unless my hydration schedule went late and I have to purge.

edit: the 2000mg was used and needed to counter my Tren insomnia. Worked like a charm.
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Progesterone. It is part of my Dr prescribed TRT. It keeps me from waking up in middle of night with a racing brain.

It's part of mine too, although I don't feel any different whether I take it or not. Do you mind me asking what your protocol/dose is?
^^... Natural releaser of Melatonin even in low doses.

Apart from the ones already mentioned, an anti-histamine is good for sedation as well. Anti-psychotic work well, like the seroquel you mentioned. I would give melatonin a try. I would try stay away from things like benzos for sleep... They work, but reduce REM sleep and you will become dependant on them... Withdrawals are hell and potentially fatal if not tapered. Better yet, straying away from drugs to help, why not try mediation or yoga?
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I've had problems with insomnia my whole life. I've tried pretty much every prescription sleeping pill available. They all stop working after a while and have terrible side effects.

The only thing that works reliably for me is a certain herbal medication that's legal here in California. It has several health benefits other than improved sleep quality. It's just not legal everywhere yet.
Melatonin and valarine root combo. The first helps you fall asleep and the latter keeps you asleep. Your body will build up resistance to them after a while. I will rotate this with an OTC sleep aid.
if you can find raw powder doxylamine its stronger than any prescription you can take...

the doxylamine is unisom is crap.. i take a doxylamine from russia.. it knocks me the fuck out.. get some brain fog in the morning too..

hard to believe this stuff is over the counter