Why add filler to DNP....


Man on a Mission
why not just partially fill the capsule?

and if i dont add filler to a size 000 cap how full shuld i fill it....ive heard 1/2 or 1/4 . (for 200mgs)
Ive read volumes for the last cupl months and as anyone versed w/ DNP its a complicated substance.

Thaks in advance,

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Dosing and capping DNP is messy, but it is relatively easy.

Get a size 00 cap-m-kwik. (after using it for DNP you will not be able to cap anything else with it) Fill it with empty capsule halves.

Weigh out EXACTLY 10 grams of dry DNP powder.......make sure it is completely dry, or your dosing will be off.
Then weigh out 10 grams of cornstarch.
Mix the DNP powder, and cornstarch together. Make sure to break up all the clumps.
I like to force my DNP cornstarch mixture through one of those really small metal strainers (you can get one at any super market, or dept. store) that way I know all the clumps are broken up. Then put the powder into a container that has a tight sealing lid. Shake the powder for a while to get it well mixed. Then dump it into your cap-m-kwik, and level it into the capsules. You have to pack them really good to get all the powder into them, but it does all fit.(it helps if you get one of those cap-m-kwik tampers) Then put the top halves on the caps, and then take each capsule and compress it tightly by hand, and wipe it with a paper towel. This will give you 50 capsules at 200mg each.

I should add that you need to wear at least two layers of rubber gloves, to avoid staining your hands yellow.
Thanks Mr.T ill keep u in mind for future research purposes. U have the best reputation around.
Appreciate u takin the time to help.

BTW in all my searches i never came across anything that said exactly why one adds cornstarch that i recall. Is it just fill or does it serve a purpose.

Ive already got size 000 BTW.
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gator_mclusky said:
shameless bump for my question about the need for a filler w/ DNP.

Well the reason for using filler, is to make the capping process more simple.

To try and measure out 200mg's of DNP powder, and put it in each capsule would be extremely time consuming.

And your idea of just trying to eye it up, and fill the capsule 1/4 or 1/2 full is not a good one. When dealing with an amount as small as 200mg's, just trying to guess on it, leaves a huge margin for error. You will end up with capsules that are either way under, or over dosed. And when it comes to something like DNP, you don't want to be guessing that you are taking the right amount.