Why are t3 and clen so popular?


New member
Doing some research in compounds I do not know much about and among those are t3/clen. Reading some scientific articles and it really does not seem like the side effects are worth the gains. Both are used for cutting but if you are willing to accept those side effects, why not just go with the king of steroids: Tren? Also see people combining clen and tren, why would someone do that seeing as tren alone should be enough to kill fat and both raise your heart rate and blood pressure/body temperature. Seems like a ticket to waking up dead in a sauna in Thailand to me
Cause a lot of people are lazy to diet. What's funny is that most people can lose the weight for free with just a little time put into thier diet. Shoot if natty bodybuildersbcan get contest ready naturally then most people shouldn't need to be lazy to diet.
Cause a lot of people are lazy to diet. What's funny is that most people can lose the weight for free with just a little time put into thier diet. Shoot if natty bodybuildersbcan get contest ready naturally then most people shouldn't need to be lazy to diet.

thats like saying why juice, natty bbers grow without gear.....
thats like saying why juice, natty bbers grow without gear.....

Sure they can but they will never have the same physique as someone who puts in the same amount of work that juices.

Reason I brought that point up is because 90% of people asking about clen/t3 are those who have no idea how to diet.
Sure they can but they will never have the same physique as someone who puts in the same amount of work that juices.

Reason I brought that point up is because 90% of people asking about clen/t3 are those who have no idea how to diet.

i get it, i know im just busting your chops, but you can achieve a pretty great physique over time, just rather then like 4 years, it'll take u 8 naturally :P but if your consistent, you can get a pretty great body naturally, just like people who run t3, clen etc, they just speed up the process of the cutting, its not that they're lazy, but why wait 14 weeks when u can do it in like half the time? which gives u more time to bulk which leads to more muscle :P
Clen/t3 are dumb if you're not competing... Because as pointed out most these guys don't have a damn clue how to diet.. If you don't even know how to diet for a show then this stuff is the last thing you need. I'd say the same for all AAS as well because a huge population of the guys running shit don't even look the way they should...
Clen/t3 are dumb if you're not competing... Because as pointed out most these guys don't have a damn clue how to diet.. If you don't even know how to diet for a show then this stuff is the last thing you need. I'd say the same for all AAS as well because a huge population of the guys running shit don't even look the way they should...

Well that's the obvious. But every drug has its place.