1000mg with no sides ? Damn....that's great
I'm willing to bet a million bucks he can't run a 12 week cycle at 1000mg without sides.
He's already getting acne and he has over TWICE as long just to reach peak plasma levels lol...
1000mg with no sides ? Damn....that's great
I'm willing to bet a million bucks he can't run a 12 week cycle at 1000mg without sides.
He's already getting acne and he has over TWICE as long just to reach peak plasma levels lol...
I'm willing to bet a million bucks he can't run a 12 week cycle at 1000mg without sides.
He's already getting acne and he has over TWICE as long just to reach peak plasma levels lol...
1000mg is a little high for no sides.....even for the very tolerant.
In my experience, people who experience mild sides have the best gains. No sides seems to indicate little reaction to the hormone. And then heavy sides indicate lack of tolerance and usually cut the cycle short.
Anyone else see this
No sides = little gains
Mild sides = great gains
Heavy sides = no gains (due to discontinued use and intolerance)
1000mg with no sides ? Damn....that's great
I'm willing to bet a million bucks he can't run a 12 week cycle at 1000mg without sides.
He's already getting acne and he has over TWICE as long just to reach peak plasma levels lol...
1000mg is a little high for no sides.....even for the very tolerant.
In my experience, people who experience mild sides have the best gains. No sides seems to indicate little reaction to the hormone. And then heavy sides indicate lack of tolerance and usually cut the cycle short.
Anyone else see this
No sides = little gains
Mild sides = great gains
Heavy sides = no gains (due to discontinued use and intolerance)
I find this hard to believe ^^^ .
And so then I question the potency. I didn't see his Test level. I know I would be up to 6,7, or 8 grand ng/dL
I agree ^^^ with this in Bold.
SO I myself , when getting NO sides I always wonder if I am really getting and metabolizing the dose that I am introducing to my body. With this I remember thinking if my body isn't reacting to unwanted sides why do I think my body should react in the positive effects., such as the enhanced synergism and metabolism , and more ??
I have had basic and not bad unwanted sides most of the time. With that being said it's clear to me when I have very potent gear. When I have had severe unwanted sides i would reevaluate what I'm doing , dose, which compound etc...? I tried Tren twice....I don't do Tren and I cut short the second Tren cycle a little shorter because I couldn't handle the sides.
IMOP , no sides at 1 gram, I can't grasp it. Only the "T" and his "E" levels would tell me closer to the true finding with those claims, or to OP his problem. No offense OP , not calling you a fake or liar... I just can't see it and would like to hear more.
Good Luck with this OP
true that some people should think before talking.No offence man but if a steroid user questions the legitimacy of pharmacom gear then they haven***8217;t been taking gear long!
Although I never had bloods taken the results proven for the legitimacy. All no with the brand lol.
I also never said that I had no sides. Please re read, I never had serious sides but did get manageable ones as already mentioned.
I***8217;m also not getting acne on the 500mg cycle currently. Although estrogen will still be rising.
Mike only questioned it because of the lack of sides. Ya say ya had sides though. Gotcha
Thanks for clarifying