Why doesn't everyone use Peptides with A AS?


New member
Right guys I'm looking to do a winter bulk with of test and eq and been reading a lot on about peptides and was thinking of adding in with it. By what I've been reading they sound like pretty awesome additives..

One good reason being how they can really help you keep your gains post cycle and they don't seem to carry much side effects unlike AAS

Now what Im not understanding is if I'm reading all these amazing things why have I never heard of anybody I know or seen anybody on forums adding them into their AAS cycles?

Surely there is only positives to doing so?

Am I missing something here?

Or maybe just no one really knows much about them?

Would be good to hear some feedback on this!

Thanks for your opinion but I ruled deca out buddy for certain reasons and I'm an ectomorth so am looking forward to some increased appetite from the EQ
There's plenty of guys using peptides, but if I had to venture a guess of why not everyone uses them, just from what I've thought myself is they can get to be expensive, the positive effects come very slowly and over a long period of time, which also leads to the question of if they do anything at all/if what you're buying is real. With AAS, you can pretty much tell if your gear is real or not, but with peptides it seems like it could be hard to tell if they are doing anything. For example, a lot of companies sell IGF-1, but unless its properly folded and made from recombinant DNA it will do absolutely nothing. I think for a lot of people it just comes down to AAS giving a better bang for your buck and things like peptides are something nice to add in.
Thanks for your opinion but I ruled deca out buddy for certain reasons and I'm an ectomorth so am looking forward to some increased appetite from the EQ

I hope the increased appetite isn't the only effect you're looking for in EQ. That would have to be one of the dumbest reasons to inject something into yourself.

Just a heads up, Tbone doesn't recommend something unless he has a good reason. If I were you I would investigate more into why he mentioned deca instead of eq.

What dose were you planning on using EQ at? And especially for how long? Have you ever donated blood? If not I would get very familiar with the process, as you'll want to be doing it as often as possible while on EQ, this still may not keep your blood levels I'm check however. Reconsider. Talk to Tbone, or whoever else you might trust on here..
There's plenty of guys using peptides, but if I had to venture a guess of why not everyone uses them, just from what I've thought myself is they can get to be expensive, the positive effects come very slowly and over a long period of time, which also leads to the question of if they do anything at all/if what you're buying is real. With AAS, you can pretty much tell if your gear is real or not, but with peptides it seems like it could be hard to tell if they are doing anything. For example, a lot of companies sell IGF-1, but unless its properly folded and made from recombinant DNA it will do absolutely nothing. I think for a lot of people it just comes down to AAS giving a better bang for your buck and things like peptides are something nice to add in.

Pretty much nailed why I haven't joined the Peptide Kid's Club. I'm still quite skeptical even though I understand the science behind them. I've tried all sorts of stuff, but still not feeling that I want to blow a chunk of change on peps yet. :)
I use Melanotan II and PT-141 peptides, but that is it. Both of them definitely work on my test rats (they tan amazingly well AND are able to perform a sexual act to completion), at least if you buy them from RUI.