Why Frontload And Why Inject Frequently

roccodart440 said:
Me too and frontloading IMO is a waste. Jumpstart with short esters or orals.

Bro...that was a WASTE of a commit.

You know….at least have enough common decency to explain why you feel the way you do.

So, are you a hater or just a little slow in the comprehension department??

And hey Bro.....
Guess what.....

YOU ARE FRONT LOADING when you use short esters in the beginning of a long cycle.! :spank:

I guess that answered my question ;)
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simpllyhuge said:
so what concentration do u reccomend making my test enthante at? i guess its okay especially when im running injectbale orals. I wanted to make my var injectbale, if i run gh. i would still inject the gh seperatly but would do the injectable var or tbol with the test enthante ed.

I have no idea what you are using now bro...what did you normally run???
outlawtas2 said:
Are you comp. trainer or something of that nature?

Definitely awaiting this one.

No Bro, I don’t compete....missed my opportunity BUT BRO.....
I swear, I could have taken Arnold and Columbo ;)

I am a certified trainer….I know that doesn’t mean much now a days, but back when I was giving Zane his first dbol/deca stack…it meant something ;)

I'm not that old....... I'm 38 and until 2 years 226 days and 1 hour ago (remember your first inject...god, I'm getting misty eyed) - I was natural. If you include all supps that is. What a waste.

Took me forever to do my first. Study, more research, study, more research....if you know me, no surprise there! But the cool thing was everything just clicked.

Lets see, anything else? I'm 6'1" 255lbs, Bf - to scared to check (had knee surgery 6 months ago), but normal was 235lbs @ 8% Bf.

Just started back....on a short cycle of Test Prop and Tren. Thinking of adding some d-bol thou.

You guys are making a mountain out of a mole hill here--

Is injecting daily the Optimal way to go? Yes
Is it necessary? No

Side effects such as acne, baldness, ect are not entirely caused by the ups and downs in hormone levels. Yes it sure is a part of it, take women and when they get their period what happens to their skin, but it is not the only thing its the persons genetic trait to get those effects. If you didn't get acne as a kid your not about to go an get it now.

As for keeping blood levels and growing better - Having been in this game for a fair amount of time now and having the experience of helping everyone from the kid down the street to the guy getting ready for a national show, it makes very little to no difference in how much actual (muscle tissue) one gains in their cycle. All it does do is create scar tissue and for most people they hate needles it just causes anxiety and typically they skip their injections.