Wife against using Testosterone!!!


New member
Well, its been a about a year since i have been on test cyp and HGH and I sure can see a difference in my 43 year old body...my attitude too.

Well, my wife is totally against me using anymore. I have been on test and other AAS for many years before her. Well, I would get back on but she would notice...the acne on my back!!!

:( Just back on my HGH for past several weeks.
Have you had your test levels checked while natural? Is it possible you may have low test naturally at 43 (my age as well) and would need TRT? If so, then at least it would be medically necessary/prescribed and she would (hopefully) accept you being on it.
yes...had it tested. was low 400's but said I wasn't a candidate for it. I thought that was low. but oh well. Epoch Mens clinic in Little rock, AR

great thing about being off is that I am no longer on BP Meds either
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yes...had it tested. was low 400's but said I wasn't a candidate for it. I thought that was low. but oh well. Epoch Mens clinic in Little rock, AR

great thing about being off is that I am no longer on BP Meds either

Good to hear about you BP being good, but 400 is not a healthy number. At 400 you are very susceptible to having other serious health problems. Numbers are only one way of determining low T. If you had Low T symptoms at 400, then you had low T and you deserved the medication and medical advice to make you well. Just because the Doctor said you did not qualify, does not mean she was right. Many are absolutely miserable with Low T symptom at 400. Many times 300 is used as thee definition of Low T, but 1200 is a healthy, optimal level of TT, if your body does not have serious side effects. You and your wife need more education, so you can make the proper decisions. Don't leave the decision about your health, with one doctor who may not be knowledgeable or is against hormonal treatment. If you want to know more ask more questions and give more details. Many members here know more than most doctors (about Low T), seriously!! And then get a decent DR.
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Good to hear about you BP being good, but 400 is not a healthy number. At 400 you are very susceptible to having other serious health problems. Numbers are only one way of determining low T. If you had Low T symptoms at 400, then you had low T and you deserved the medication and medical advice to make you well. Just because the Doctor said you did not qualify, does not mean she was right. Many are absolutely miserable with Low T symptom at 400. Many times 300 is used as thee definition of Low T, but 1200 is a healthy, optimal level of TT, if your body does not have serious side effects. You and your wife need more education, so you can make the proper decisions. Don't leave the decision about your health, with one doctor who may not be knowledgeable or is against hormonal treatment. If you want to know more ask more questions and give more details. Many members here know more than most doctors (about Low T), seriously!! And then get a decent DR.
what are you talking about? 400 isnt healthy but 1200 is healthy? i bet this guy have more peak testosterone. peak is important. drug companies lie about testosterone because they want to sell you TESTOSTERONE! dont talk if you dont know ;)
what are you talking about? 400 isnt healthy but 1200 is healthy? i bet this guy have more peak testosterone. peak is important. drug companies lie about testosterone because they want to sell you TESTOSTERONE! dont talk if you dont know ;)

Please respect our members here, second warning, and please share your stats with us.
" Don t talk if u don't know"

Milton...I ll leave this to you..I been on him like white on rice he s an inherent smart ass.
She is a nurse at hospital. says it's bad for me. when we got together said I was an ass when I was on it. I was going thru a very rough time in life...just went thru a divorce and lost my brother at the time. was just getting back on my feet from divorce. so I am sure my emotions werent in check. jShe does miss the amazing sex all the time from being on test!!!
This topic shits me sideways, but luckily I have a missus that's a lil fit chicky herself and understands what I explain to her about AAS.

All you need to say to her is who are you to tell me that females are allowed hormonal contraceptive for hormonal regulation but you as a male are not allowed hormonal contrraceptive for hormonal regulation when you genuinely need it. IF you are deficient in Testosterone and benefit from Test, Adex, hCG and HGH... Tell her how selfish she is and as a nurse she should know better.

Id go the diplomatic route. Tell her you weren't aware it changed your attitude that much. Now that you are aware of it you will go on and should she notice you reacting or acting different can she please point it out to you so you can stop.
See how that goes...
I second Jimi's idea.

Also, tell her that it is no different from all the women who go on estrogen treatments after menopause. Their hormone levels drop low and they need an external source to return to feeling normal. Your testosterone levels have dropped low and you need an external source to feel normal. Use the women route, she understands and fully accepts hormone replacement therapy for women (I am guessing this, but almost all women do), so use it to get her to understand your issue is no different.
Here's one big problem with convincing her that test is a cure for those with low T. Doctors (and I assume nurses) have been trained that steroids are bad/unhealthy for men. Only those that went on to study about hormones are actually educated and know the facts. Whether it is old or young doctors, or nurses, they have not been trained in hormones. Seriously, they were told incorrectly that test, etc., causes prostate cancer and other problems. We see it all the time on this forum. Then when you find a doctor that figured it out, that men need a reasonable level of T, they usually do not know why or how to control E!!! So your wife, who probably is a fine wife and nurse, fully believes what she has been taught is correct. And that doctors, who are like "gods", must be right about steroids. So she needs to go with you to a Doctor who knows his stuff. Only with proper education from a trusted source, will she come around. And you need to find Medical Studies that show the facts, not myth.
If it to do with my body i dont ask for permissions i just inform my misses that this is what im doing and thats it sometimes she isnt happy about it but in the end its my body and ill do with it as i see fit after a few days or weeks she gets over it my partner is also a nurse and a type 1 diabetic so imagine how impressed she was when i told her i was going to start running slin sometimes you have got to do whats right for you and if she isnt happy with your behaviour or attitude while on aas adress it and change what is making her upset and move on
She is a nurse at hospital. says it's bad for me. when we got together said I was an ass when I was on it. I was going thru a very rough time in life...just went thru a divorce and lost my brother at the time. was just getting back on my feet from divorce. so I am sure my emotions werent in check. jShe does miss the amazing sex all the time from being on test!!!

I don't see why still she bans u from using test to better yourself? The way u stated above, seemed like you want to do it anyways and hide it from her. Accutane is always a prime option to remove acne during cycles Or you can take the harder route and try your best to manage hormone fluct and keep ur e2 in check/not high. However, I would advise just retalking to her and doing your best to explain you want to be on it. I'm sure she would understand even if she is quite stubborn, everyone caves in when it comes to people that they care about with enough solid reasoning skills and communication/emotion being expressed very well.

PS: I only remember the solid killer boners from test E during my first cycle. Since then it's never been quite the same. (I'm working on it atm though, got solid advice from a very good guy :))
I'll just add in terms of aggressiveness/asshole mode induced by AAS... You do absolutely and must realise that if people are pointing out erratic and aggressive behaviour then at the end of the day you simply need to learn to be able to handle AAS... especially Tren.

This ain't a dig at you brother, but if her issue is that it turns you a little more aggressive I'd honestly try work on controlling your "new persona" and learn to channel the extra energy or aggression or whatever psych effects it's having on you. In the long run, it will be easier to drill into her head TRT is for the benefit of both of you and not to be selfish.

Sometimes you just gotta put your foot down, it goes both ways, no dis to you or missus :)
She has it in her mind that my test levels are not low. I beg to differ. Even last night she was like I am old...you shouldn't want sex all the time like I do. lol...none the less, she will NOT listen to me on this subject. She will not budge at all!!! I didn't see that my attitude changed...but we never see that in ourselves. The circumstances that I went thru...would make anybody change. Plus, She is the only one that saw a change in me. While I was on AAS...I did have to take meds for high blood pressure.

Yes...she has the mindset that steroids are bad for you...doctors and just the general in all think its bad for you!