Wife threw out all of my gear.


New member
Hi everyone... I don't know if this is the right place to post about this but I would appreciate some married men/women's advice on this. Basically I am 38 years old and male. I have been training since I was 29 and last year in September 2016. I decided I was going to take gear (only test). I have lurked here and have never had a reason to make a thread. So I told my wife about all of this and explained everything, but now she has seemed to have a completely change of heart. She threw out all of my shit and told me she's done, she doesn't want me to die when I'm 50 and she wants me to be around for our kids and if I don't stop she's going to get me help.

Keep in mind I have only done 500 mg Test E for three months then did PCT and now I have just started again these past few weeks. Usually she is not controlling like this but her stance on this has seemed to change drastically. I have asked why and she said she has done a lot of reading online and has watched a few documentaries. This cycle I have been doing Test E and anavar. Trying to get cut for summer. So she just went out and threw out all of my shit and I am pissed. Never has done anything like this and I feel disrespected but she told me she only did it because she cares and that if she finds me attractive then why I am trying to look good for other women? She has now started guilting me about our kids and told me that it breaks her heart that if I continue down this destructive path then I won't be around for them.

Anyone have experience with this?
Yuuuup. You're screwed. No more gear for you.

If you didn't have kids I'd have a different opinion, but.... happy wife, happy life.

You are just going to have to make gains natty. Pour your soul into those kids. When they are grown and gone .... well then you can address this topic again then

- from a guy who has been married to only one woman for 32 years and counting
Yep old Duffer is on the money but with that said grow a pair of balls your a grown man im assuming you work if you pay the bills and look after your family and of course if the steroids aren't changing your personality for the worse then its your body your choice steroids are safe if used correctly.

And as for the wifee saying she finds you attractive as you are ect i got the same speech from my misses and i just explained i do this and live this lifestyle for myself i dont do it for the opposite sex ect ect and as for her saying she will get you help it seems like your wife has purposely gone out and found negative info on steroids because she wants validation on her views .

So you can either do aas and hide it from her
Not do aas
Or straight up tell her this is where your doing you have taken into consideration her worries and will be 100percent safe while you are using steroids.
I would and have chosen the 3rd option so in conclusion grow a pair of balls and act like the grown man that you are she will get over it in time before you know it she will be jabbing your bum for you
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1 tell her to watch the bigger strong faster documentary
2 you are doing for yourself not other women, yea makes you look better ect but in my case it gives me mental clarity motivation drive on and on. She insecure?
3 your health lol I live in an area where the air quality is not that great and there is signs that say something like possible cancer causing blah blah in the air! So what I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't?? Are you going to live to 50? Maybe maybe not but the result of 500 mg of test prob not gonna do it! Show her interest in your health if she wants and get the appropriate check ups!! Bloods heart the whole 9 yards!
I had something similar happen to me about 6 years ago and just like your case if the women not happy nobody happy! You defiantly don't want to ruin a happy home. Actually taking three years off helped me gain more mass and I'm now back in the gym and 100 percent supported by my loved ones! She come around just feed it to her in bits and pieces.
Well, I can see this going another route. Your married with kids. You introduced an illegal controlled substance into your family's household. You've been warned this time. Next time, she might call the cops and pack her shit and leave. You'll have one hell of a time getting to see your kids not to mention all the legal fees. I wouldn't rock the boat over a test cycle.
Man, I feel for you.

I had a similar thing happen to me. I had been using gear for a few years before I got married. About 5 years into my marriage, I decided to tell my wife that I was taking steroids. I wanted to be honest with her. She seemed ok with it. About a year goes by and we get in an argument and the decides to tell her family and mine about the gear usage. My family already knew, hers of course didnt.

Long story short, we made up(sorta) and I agreed to stop(yeah right). Now I just hide it. I mean, I love my wife but I don't love anyone enough to change my lifestyle. I am not telling you how to approach this. Its your life. Honestly, if it came down to it. I wouldn't give up what I do for anyone. I do love her enough to "quit" though ;)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and nothing worst than being in the can for a prolong time with no gear but gear in your system that needs to be monitored.
Throw all of her Make-up and beauty products out...Tell her you researched it and found many of them contain potentially harmful and cancer causing Chemicals....She won't do that again!! Do you know how i know that she won't do it again?? :)
Did u do pre cycle blood work? Are you low T?
I had low t so I ran a cycle with pct and my test went back to low and I told my wife about it. Then about 3 months later I told her I'm going to a dr for my low t. I came home and told her the dr wants to put me on TRT. She was OK with that cause the dr is doing it. Meanwhile I just blast with out saying anything.
So that may be a route for you.

I was average T for my age. So no doc would put me on TRT. I really just like the feeling of having an inhuman level of test. She wouldn't call the cops on me for this but she was pissed off. Really don't want to lie to her about this because she would find out anyway. I was hoping to show her this thread or something. Yeah I should of thrown out her makeup and stuff but she's trying to tell me she's doing this because she cares.
Did u do pre cycle blood work? Are you low T?
I had low t so I ran a cycle with pct and my test went back to low and I told my wife about it. Then about 3 months later I told her I'm going to a dr for my low t. I came home and told her the dr wants to put me on TRT. She was OK with that cause the dr is doing it. Meanwhile I just blast with out saying anything.
So that may be a route for you.


Hahahahaha...this was my key to success.
I'm sure my GF would have been fine with me cycling any way, but I just use the "It's HRT shot day" for anything I'm taking and she never really knows the difference.
1 tell her to watch the bigger strong faster documentary
2 you are doing for yourself not other women, yea makes you look better ect but in my case it gives me mental clarity motivation drive on and on. She insecure?
3 your health lol I live in an area where the air quality is not that great and there is signs that say something like possible cancer causing blah blah in the air! So what I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't?? Are you going to live to 50? Maybe maybe not but the result of 500 mg of test prob not gonna do it! Show her interest in your health if she wants and get the appropriate check ups!! Bloods heart the whole 9 yards!
I had something similar happen to me about 6 years ago and just like your case if the women not happy nobody happy! You defiantly don't want to ruin a happy home. Actually taking three years off helped me gain more mass and I'm now back in the gym and 100 percent supported by my loved ones! She come around just feed it to her in bits and pieces.
Were do you live in china?
It isn't about your health she is jealous. And she's using the health thing as an excuse.
It's obvious how you said she said something along the lines of you working out to look better for other women. Who would say that? You guessed it a jealous woman.
Judging by her comment about other women, you can tell her insecurity is fueling this. There seem to be trust issues in your relationship. And lastly a wise man once told me "never explain to women"
I do hope you square this away.
My son s 10; his mom s 34..yeah.

I pissed her off and after 3 yr s, 30k for 3 layer s and over 5 hearing s AND supervised visitation by some dumb cunt lesbo social worker...PARENTING CLASS X2..savvy ?

I got unlimited visitation back...5.5 years ago. She s grown up. Has 2 other kid s and a hobbit hubby whose kool as cool is.. and we are too..NOW.


Don t be a selfish prick. Stop and stay. If u move away then play. Stay and play you ll pay.
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It isn't about your health she is jealous. And she's using the health thing as an excuse.
It's obvious how you said she said something along the lines of you working out to look better for other women. Who would say that? You guessed it a jealous woman.

This is most likely