Hi everyone... I don't know if this is the right place to post about this but I would appreciate some married men/women's advice on this. Basically I am 38 years old and male. I have been training since I was 29 and last year in September 2016. I decided I was going to take gear (only test). I have lurked here and have never had a reason to make a thread. So I told my wife about all of this and explained everything, but now she has seemed to have a completely change of heart. She threw out all of my shit and told me she's done, she doesn't want me to die when I'm 50 and she wants me to be around for our kids and if I don't stop she's going to get me help.
Keep in mind I have only done 500 mg Test E for three months then did PCT and now I have just started again these past few weeks. Usually she is not controlling like this but her stance on this has seemed to change drastically. I have asked why and she said she has done a lot of reading online and has watched a few documentaries. This cycle I have been doing Test E and anavar. Trying to get cut for summer. So she just went out and threw out all of my shit and I am pissed. Never has done anything like this and I feel disrespected but she told me she only did it because she cares and that if she finds me attractive then why I am trying to look good for other women? She has now started guilting me about our kids and told me that it breaks her heart that if I continue down this destructive path then I won't be around for them.
Anyone have experience with this?