great advice from the ladies!!!
Hardtime, your wife is only in her third week
give Winstrol (winny) a chance babe!! Winstrol (winny) really only starts to peak after teh 3rd week, so
if she is doing well so far, why not allow her a full cycle to get great results!! If her body is responding well with no sides, then she is good to go!! Keep on eye on her joints and don't push the dosages too high... toleration is key!
However... The var will not negatively affect her cycle with the winny...
***A possible way to use var would be to work it in lightly.. what i mean is run the Winstrol (winny) til week 6, then pick up the var.. 5mgs for the last 2 weeks of the Winstrol (winny), then drop the Winstrol (winny) and up the var to 10mgs for the remaining 4 weeks for a complete 12 week cycle.. What this will actually do is prevent any possible crash from the Winstrol (winny) while keeping her hormones a bit more balanced and still building lean mass with a nice defined hard look! If she wants to take the final 12th week and use a taper (back down to 5mgs) that would also help a bit with hormones and other possible sides...
NOW.. to throw a monkey in the wrench as i always do lol.. both Winstrol (winny) and anavar can lower good cholesterol and raise bad.. so if she is predisposed to high cholesterol, then another stack is strongly advised!! Also keep in mind that both orals are relatively toxic to the liver, so a precautionary milk thistle or silymarin should be used during and post cycle!!
Hope this helps rather than confuse you more.. but i would prefer you have all the information and are able to see both sides of the coin rather than make an uneducated decision that can permantely affect her!!!
Luv super