Will i ever recover? LAB RESULTS


New member
Last cycle of Anavar was 9 months ago with POWER PCT as protocol. Many cycles before that, but this time i wanted to get off.

This is my recent lab results.

Should i be worried that i will have low T the rest of my life?
Can someone help me explain these numbers?

P-SHBG 0.58 mU/L ( 0.27-4.2 )
P-Testo total 11 nmol/L ( 7,6-31 )
P-Testo/SHBG 0.73
S-GH 0.07
S-IGF-1 318 ug/L ( 104-377 )

S TSH 0.58 mU/L ( 0.27-4.2 )
S FT4 18.6 pmol/L (12-22)
S FT3 5.3 pmol/L ( 3.95-6.8 )
S FSH 2.6 IU/L ( 1.5-12.4 )
S LH 3.5 IU/L ( 1.7-8.6 )
S CORTISOL 408 nmol/L
S PROLACTIN 156 mIU/L ( 63-403 )

Thanks in advance!
Your test (~300ng/DL) is getting into the hypogonadal range. That along with the LH and FSH indicates Secondary Hypogonadism which means your pituitary is not functioning properly. You can try a restart. If that doesn't work, then you likely will need TRT for the rest of your life.

How old are you?
Your test (~300ng/DL) is getting into the hypogonadal range. That along with the LH and FSH indicates Secondary Hypogonadism which means your pituitary is not functioning properly. You can try a restart. If that doesn't work, then you likely will need TRT for the rest of your life.

How old are you?

Thanks for the fine reply. Iam 25 years.

When you say restart, what type of restart are you referring to?

Thanks friend.
How many cycles have you run and what were they? How long were they? What specifically was your PCT protocol?

What was your Total Test at before your ever ran a cycle? In other words, your natural baseline.

A Restart basically means try PCT again to see if you can get your HPTA working again.
How many cycles have you run and what were they? How long were they? What specifically was your PCT protocol?

What was your Total Test at before your ever ran a cycle? In other words, your natural baseline.

A Restart basically means try PCT again to see if you can get your HPTA working again.

First of all i would really say thank you for the answers.

I have never tested natural baseline. but i doubt that i had 11 before.

I have done about 10 cycles last 6 years, Dbol, anavar, winstrol 60-80 days with standard Nolva pct. Last run i did 40mg anavar 60 days with POWER pct protocol after. Also after 3 months i did second pct with clomid and nolva. it did raise my test to 17 after one month, but it went down to my current number.

What would be the wisest thing to do?

(I know that i should not done oral only with no test base and such, but that is to late now. for all of you that would like to point that out)
Mine was sub 400 6 months after PCT and I'm around 23. I was competing at a national level in NCA, so there was always pressure to use coming everywhere, including my coach. It's slowly climbing up though without a restart, luckily, but I wouldn't assume yourself to have the same results. I agree with mega, consider a restart. I've heard several different methods of restart in my own experience from respected veterans on this site though. Some say clomid only for upwards 2-3 months, others say hCG blast and then clomid. What do you think Mega?
What do I think? Losing your natural test production is pretty serious - especially at age 25. If it were me, I would want a doctor skilled in restarts helping me through the process. I would call our sponsor IMT. They know what they are doing when it comes to getting your HPTA working again. They will set up a good protocol for you.

For the record, I have no affiliation with IMT. I will not benefit financially or in any other way if you call them.

Good luck. And I am glad to see that you recognize the cycling mistakes you made. I would encourage you to "pay it forward" and share your experience with other newbies that come around asking questions.