I plan to run test/deca/dbol... What else should I take when running this? What dosage should I take when running this. Should I take an estrogen blocker? If so what kind. What kind of pct should I take. Can I just cycle test,deca, and dbol and not take anything else? If i did this what would happen. Basically im looking for any important information that i should know. Thanks.
1) what else should I take when running this?
The proper ancillaries, adequate levels of macro and micro nutrient intake, and possibly some supplements that might help any areas you're deficient in.
2) what dosage should I take when running this?
The correct dosage your research has lead you to conclude
3) should I take an estrogen blocker?
A blocker and an inhibitor are two different things but if you think you'll aromatize then it would be a good idea
4) if so what kind?
The kind your research has lead you to believe will be the best for your specific situation.
5) what kind of PCT should I take?
The kind that will help you the most with a speedy and full recovery
6) can I just cycle test, deca, dbol and not take anything else?
Sure if you like a limp dick, no sex drive/libido, no endogenous test production/TRT for life, high BP, water weight gains, bloatedness, big girly boobies, oily skin/acne, and to lose everything at the end.
7) if I did this what would happen?
See answer to number 6 above ^^^
8) basicslly I'm looking for any important information I should know
Basically you're lookin to be spoon fed an entire cycle without doing any research beforehand.
9) thanks
Your welcome
Not to be a complete dick, I probably was in most of my response to you, but if you e failed to research any of this on your own, what's the incentive to help you now? If you lack the motivation to even do a cursory search about anything than there's not much that can be helped with that. How will you know if the info you're getting is good or bad, how will you know how to treat sides WHEN they arise (not if), how will you know how to bring yourself back from compete shutdown, etc. you're not ready for a beginner cycle let alone one with dbol and deca if you have no idea if you should take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or what it does, what would happen if you don't take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or do post cycle therapy (pct). my advice to you would be read the stickies at the top of the forum and take some time to learn before you jump into a cycle. This one piece of advice could very well be the difference between a great first cycle and one that leaves with tits bigger than Jenna Jamison and a more useless dick than one of a castrated dog.