Winny .. PEG based Vs. Water Based?


Marshmellow man
Hey guys, I just did a conversion, I used PEG400.. It was a piece of cake to make... What are the pro's and con's of each? Is one more painful than the other? I read its harder to get it into water if your doing more than 1Gram at a time, I did 5G in PEG and I had no problems. So can someone clear this up for me please.. Thanks!
I guess that is where I get confused... Whats the difference between the two? They are both injectable aren't they? ... I'm not sure what the difference between a SOLUTION and SUSPENSION.
trisdog said:
I guess that is where I get confused... Whats the difference between the two? They are both injectable aren't they? ... I'm not sure what the difference between a SOLUTION and SUSPENSION.

I think this is where all this Winstrol (winny) confusion is coming from.

Easy way to look at it.

A solution is just that. You mix the hormone (powder) with whatever solvents, oils, co-solvents, etc. and heat until it becomes a solution. No separation of hormone and carrier. You filter it like you would any solution and it stays in a SOLUTION.

A SUSPENSION is just what it says. It is basically the hormone (powder) suspended (or seperate) in whatever carrier you are using. In the case of water-based Winstrol (winny) instructions that everyone is seeing, you are first heating the hormone into a solution. This is where you are getting confused. Once it is in a solution, you are either filtering it into the Bac water or dropping it in without filtering. Either way, what this does when it hits the cool water is causes the hormone to titrate out of the solution and form tiny micronized crystals in the water. What you have now is the stanozolol hormone SUSPENDED in the bac water. So you have a SUSPENSION.

I hope this clears it up for you.

Doug, if I got some of the chemistry lingo wrong, just edit it for me. Thanks.
RJH8541 said:
I think this is where all this Winstrol (winny) confusion is coming from.

Easy way to look at it.

A solution is just that. You mix the hormone (powder) with whatever solvents, oils, co-solvents, etc. and heat until it becomes a solution. No separation of hormone and carrier. You filter it like you would any solution and it stays in a SOLUTION.

A SUSPENSION is just what it says. It is basically the hormone (powder) suspended (or seperate) in whatever carrier you are using. In the case of water-based Winstrol (winny) instructions that everyone is seeing, you are first heating the hormone into a solution. This is where you are getting confused. Once it is in a solution, you are either filtering it into the Bac water or dropping it in without filtering. Either way, what this does when it hits the cool water is causes the hormone to titrate out of the solution and form tiny micronized crystals in the water. What you have now is the stanozolol hormone SUSPENDED in the bac water. So you have a SUSPENSION.

I hope this clears it up for you.

Doug, if I got some of the chemistry lingo wrong, just edit it for me. Thanks.
oh it looks correct. I can see where the confusion lies as well. But its a matter of know_your_chem_lingo. Suspension, solution. 2 different worlds.
Ok Now I Understand the difference... But why would one Suspend rather than just keep it in the solution.. (How i made mine was just in PEG - and it seemed to come out just fine) .. As a suspension is it used as an injection? whats the benefit of each?
Suspensions are almost solutions in the case of micronized Winstrol (winny). In fact, they rarely ever separate. They just look like milky white bottles of wonder. You cant easily get Winstrol (winny) into a solution that doesnt crash (we dont like PEG for solutions btw). Thats the benefit of a suspension.
DougoeFre5h said:
Suspensions are almost solutions in the case of micronized Winstrol (winny). In fact, they rarely ever separate. They just look like milky white bottles of wonder. You cant easily get Winstrol (winny) into a solution that doesnt crash (we dont like PEG for solutions btw). Thats the benefit of a suspension.

i fear you may have just lost him again.
lol .. just a little bit.. ok here's a simple question... I read the PEG hurts like a bitch.. ok fine i didn't make a lot of that.. i still have a more to make... So for the rest should i make it water based?... and is waterbased painless? or just less painfull?
I think the general consensus is that PEG causes problems with absorption upon IM injection if it's in a SOLUTION. However, used as a part of a SUSPENSION it's probably ok (Doug correct me if I'm wrong). Also, just as a warning Winstrol (winny) in PEG was probably the most painful inject I've ever done.
simpllyhuge said:
does any one know how long a whatman filter lasts? u need 2 to make water based Winstrol (winny), correct?

not really. the second filter was used in the recipe to make the Bac water.

Just add the bac water in the vial, make up the PEG based solution and filter it into the water. Actually i have stopped filtering it now and it still works great with no issues.

But i will agree, the one time I injected that shit into my arse, it was the worse pain ever. I just don't like ANY SE gear.
ok so i made my Winstrol (winny) in a suspension. Its a little foamy after i shook it and it looks to be staying that way. I shot it so ill see what happens. Is it normal to foam?
simpllyhuge said:
ok so i made my Winstrol (winny) in a suspension. Its a little foamy after i shook it and it looks to be staying that way. I shot it so ill see what happens. Is it normal to foam?

yeah, sometimes the PS80 will do that. it should settle after a while. If not, just use less next time.
RJH8541 said:
yeah, sometimes the PS80 will do that. it should settle after a while. If not, just use less next time.
Correct, PS80 has a tendency to do that, nothing to worry about.