Winny-Sterile water,distilled water or water for injections


New member
Hi guys

just a quick question
im gonna do some Winstrol (winny) inj conversion but im not sure what kind of "water" should i use

distilled water

sterile water

water for injections (0.9%NaCl)

thanks in advance
Always use bacteriostatic water unless you want to just swallow it then distilled water will work.. I like winnie in oil myself.. But everyone is different.
Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic preparation of water for injection containing 0.9% (9 mg/mL) of benzyl alcohol added as a bacteriostatic preservative. It is supplied in a multiple-dose container from which repeated withdrawals may be made to dilute or dissolve drugs for injection. The pH is 5.7 (4.5 to 7.0). Water for Injection, USP is chemically designated H2O

Sorry had to try to find my info.. Distilled water with ba would be sterile water especially after filtering.. So yeah..
Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic preparation of water for injection containing 0.9% (9 mg/mL) of benzyl alcohol added as a bacteriostatic preservative. It is supplied in a multiple-dose container from which repeated withdrawals may be made to dilute or dissolve drugs for injection. The pH is 5.7 (4.5 to 7.0). Water for Injection, USP is chemically designated H2O

Sorry had to try to find my info.. Distilled water with ba would be sterile water especially after filtering.. So yeah..

that actually had me wondering before. cause i had a ton of Winstrol (winny). but my brother wanted some to mix with his test. what kind of dosage would you need to do a inject?
that actually had me wondering before. cause i had a ton of Winstrol (winny). but my brother wanted some to mix with his test. what kind of dosage would you need to do a inject?

All the recipes I have are for 50mg/ml doses.. Although there is one around for a winnie 100 suspension.. Just never tried it yet.. Haven't had all the ingredients so Just never tried..
I ran Winstrol for about 3 months (12 weeks) at a dose of 100mgs Every Other Day (along with Test prop at 125mgs, every other day) and I suffered no ill-effects. My joints felt fine, and I can say that the only thing which was undesirable about that cycle was the injection pain. Generally, people report a "dry" and less lubricated feeling in their joints when on this drug (fluid retention is nil with Stanozolol), and also a "dry" overall look as regards contest prep. This could be due to a sort of "reverse-osmotic" effect...of course this is speculation, but people do look "dryer" on Winnie, and some even look dryer in the site they inject (more on this later). There are many conflicting reports on tendon strength and Stanozolol, even in medical journals. Some reports state that it weakens tendons, others that it strengthens them (and some speculation on the internet among many "guru´s" is that it strengthens them unevenly, leading to possible injury). For this reason, it may be best for athletes in explosive or high-impact sports to stay away from this drug. It has certainly been shown to be beneficial in some bone ailments induced by glucocorticoid induced stress (5) as well as having collagen producing properties (11), but with all of the anecdotal problems athletes have suffered with their joints while on Stanozolol, I simply can not recommend it with confidence to strength/speed athletes. I can say that personally, it was an effective compound for me and did not cause joint duress, but I can do without the discomfort of the shots, and have found other DHT based compounds to be far more effective (Masteron springs to mind).

Got this on here's the link.
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with the amount of winstrol you can produce with just a 10 gram conversion @50mg/ml. I don't see why you would make it 100mg/ml. Just do a 2cc inj and it actually might dull the pain since it's not as concentrated. It is water based, so it'll be smooth pinning anyway.
Bacteriostatic Water for Injection, USP is a sterile, nonpyrogenic preparation of water for injection containing 0.9% (9 mg/mL) of benzyl alcohol added as a bacteriostatic preservative. It is supplied in a multiple-dose container from which repeated withdrawals may be made to dilute or dissolve drugs for injection. The pH is 5.7 (4.5 to 7.0). Water for Injection, USP is chemically designated H2O

Sorry had to try to find my info.. Distilled water with ba would be sterile water especially after filtering.. So yeah..

so using bac water could lead to higher undesired concentrations of ba in your mix. You would have to reduce the amount of ba you normally add if just using distilled water. Adding to the math when figuring out how much of this and how much of that.
so using bac water could lead to higher undesired concentrations of ba in your mix. You would have to reduce the amount of ba you normally add if just using distilled water. Adding to the math when figuring out how much of this and how much of that.

Makes a guy rethink alot of things you believe to be true.. Personally never knew bacteriostatic water had ba in it until I found that.. And have always been told to run with bac water so dont really see any great advantage to it know after really looking at it that way.. Thats what its about though learning knew stuff.. I'm always down to learn.. And I'm here learning new things all the time.. Thanx
Still have never understood why anyone would go through the trouble of injecting Winstrol (winny) instead of just drinking it. Not to mention how hard it is to brew this stuff up and keep it sterile and ive brewed lots of injectable Winstrol (winny) before. Filtering Winstrol (winny) was always a bitch.

I know i know, first post but i can assure you ive been brewing for a long time, been out of the loop for a bit and pondered across this site which is one of the few that still has an active brewing forum. Kind of nice to see.