winny, tren, +halo, as a cut cycle?


New member
im thinking of trying a winstrol , tren, and halo cycle to get cut and keep my mass, will through in "some " test also, and all ancillary drugs accordingly. any thoughts on this? I have some concern to the toxicity of the tren to the kidneys,,, is this b.s. or not. maybe it pertains only to the parabolan type tren.?? It is of some concern to me because of my age, 36. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. also i do not want to take clen or cyto.
i have done all kind of cycles in the past,, mainly mass builders. now im having to find a way to cut fat, which is blowing my mind. im 6'4" 270, bf%???? still have good muscularity, just want my 6 pack back. Yes i have taken halo, and it melts the fat off me incredibly, only my mass suffers at the expense of it. thank u for replying.
kidney toxisity from tren is bs, never seen prof to suport that. taking Winstrol (winny) and halo together might give your liver some probs though. might want to add some test if even at a therapeutic dose for your libido. i wouldnt use halo unless your very lean, or maybe use it at the very end after youve leaned out conciderably as its effects arnt noticable except at very low body fat.
Halo should only be used in a contest cycle and even then it should only be used for 4 weeks. Its very toxic. You would get close to the same results and much more healthy if you substituted EQ for Halo. Other then that the cycle looks good. Also get an anti-e like adex or letro in there as I personally find those compounds give a major help in getting rid of estrogen related fatty areas.
I don't like your cycle!1)I don't think you had to compete so why such a armful cycle?2)You're not relly young.3)You want to put tougheter 3of the most toxic steroids commercially available!.Diet do cardio and substitude the HALO with the EQUI,Limit dosage and duration of the winni/tren combo.GOOD LUCK!
I don't like your cycle!1)I don't think you had to compete so why such a armful cycle?2)You're not relly young.3)You want to put tougheter 3of the most toxic steroids commercially available!.Diet do cardio and substitude the HALO with the EQUI,Limit dosage and duration of the winni/tren combo.GOOD LUCK!

here we go again. i have still yet to see proof that tren is either liver or kidney toxic. there was never any proof of this. its not a 17aa. i would hardly consider Winstrol (winny) one of the three most toxic drugs. sure its a 17aa but the liver toxicity of those are greatly blown out of proportion. ask deadlift. hes been taking 100 mg's drol and 100 mg's Winstrol (winny) ed for 7 weeks. i think it was deadlift. he had his liver values checked and were only slightly elevated. ther was a study of liver toxicity omong orals and injectables at elite and guess what the 17 aa orals werent a whole lot more liver toxic. i do agree with getting rid of the halo unless he is very lean when he begins using it. id jsut assume replace the halo with prop.
I agree that toxicicy of 17aa is overstated,but again I think,my personal opinion,that if a man,not too young,hadn't to compete have to go as safe as possible.As far as trenbolone my urine start to darkening when I'm on it.Some studies that clearly demonstre the different effects of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are very poor,but just because general public have no interest in how to built big muscle,so they'll never come!but many athetes using it showing elevated liver and kidney values,I'm not saying that tren is that bad but only that If I were,a no young man,and I hadn't to compete I just want to go as safe as possible,but everyone is different,So,I repeat,you can use tren and the stacks you want(except halo, in my opinion)only remeber that you probaby want to cycle again so why risk if there isn't an imminent need for top condition?
I dont like ur cycle either...winny and halo are unneeded. Your bf is probably very high so you wont get to see one of their greatest traits (muscle hardness). You're not powerliftin, so you dont need the strength. They wont help you burn fat. The both cost a lot.

What you need, IMO, is a good test/fina cycle. These two will surely keep most, if not all, ur muscle on you as you begin to DRASTICALLY cut cals and up your cardio. That is the only way people lose sucks, but you gotta do it.

PS 100mgs of prop ED and 75mgs of fina will be perfect
Winny/ tren/ halo and primobolin ( primo is out 14 days prior to the ahow) is my last six weeks cycle. Halos the last four weeks. Mind you I've dieted hard for the last four months before this and am doing twice a day cardio on my low days. I'm only interested in getting shredded and staying hard at this point in my prep.

If your not in pre contest mode leave the halos out.

Like all the posts say above, there are better, safer drugs out there.
IAs far as trenbolone my urine start to darkening when I'm on it.but many athetes using it showing elevated liver and kidney values,I'm not saying that tren is that bad but only that
More than likely the darkening of the urin, is a result of some dyes or binders used in the fina pellets.

To your other sentence, i still have not seen concrete proof of any of this, besides, im sure they were not using tren only. Most steroids to raise your liver values while on, but they return normal once off.