winny users, looking for some answers


New member
Can anyone of you share wether or not you felt it was that beneficial to go up to 100 mg/ed compared to the norm of 50 mg/ed? of course the sides can be more but as far as gains or cuts, was it worth it?.............J
My "friend" used oral Winstrol (winny) at 100mg a day.... great gains in strength and size.. also pains in shoulders and elbows..... are you taking it orally or injecting?
Depending on you cycle experience 50mg is probly enough. I have bumped up to 100mg ED and my gains weren't much more noticable than when running 50mg. The main difference I see when bumping the dose up is an increase in the sides.
I haven't tried 50mg so I can't compare.
I have had awesome results from 100mg ,I have run it twice, once with orals and once with inj. both for approx 6 weeks.
I don't know why, but my joints seemed to be stiffer from the orals
I did it once at 100mg ED and I didn't notice any difference.

The shit is expensive enough,why double the cost?