Winny won't go through filter!!!!


New member
I'm in the middle of a 1g conversion of Winstrol (winny) and am having problems. I am using 2.5ml of animal's E solution and it seemed to disolve nicely. i added oil and it turned into a coudy mix. I then drew it into the syringe (it was about 190 degrees or so) and pushed 1/2 of it throught teh .45um whatman filter. It filtered easily at first and then it slowed and the about 1/2 way throught, I coul;dn't push it through the filter. I now have almost perfectly clear oil in the sterile recieving vial and cloudy shit in the syringe. Anyone have any ideas?
Sounds like your Winstrol (winny) didnt dissolve properly and all the Winstrol (winny) powder is clogged in the filter :( I would just make it into a liquid solution in the future with Everclear/Ethanol and just drink it......much less hassle and just the same as inj IMO
Cause you don't add the oil BEFORE you filter it.

The oil is already sterile. Might want to read the directions.
Since its Winstrol (winny), propylene glycol will keep it suspended longer than just water for an oral dosage or do you intend to use an oil based suspension for site injects?
Aaaahhh. Site injects. Winstrol (winny) is a great compound for the bi's. BTW Animal bro, I really need to talk to Instynct badly. I have got to free up some time for emailing that bro sooner or later.