Winstrol and Hairloss (Before and After Spiro)


New member
Hey guys! I've seen many posts on this one this subject but have seen no actual answer of someone with personal experience, just the answer of "that should help". I'm 21 years old, 5' 10" 213 at 15% and want to cut down before I actually run a Test Prop Winstrol cycle, so maybe once I hit 10%. Next to none if the men in my family have Male Patrern Baldness, and I have fantastic hair myself. On my first and recent Dbol (50mg) Test E cycle (500mg) I lost a considerable amount of hair towards the end and well into my post cycle. I used saw palmetto from the beginning expect for a brief time where I discontinued it unintentionally and began to notice shedding a week to two weeks after, then hopped back on it but no change in the amount of hair lost until WELL after my cycle. I bring this up to explain my curious relationship with MPB which is a concern for my potential next cycle. I understand Winstrol is a DHT derivative, and even a stronger DHT blocker with not prevent any hair loss as It only prevents conversion of test into DHT.
SO MY QUESTION IS! Has anyone experienced hair loss with other steroids, including DHT derivatives at one point and also seen any change AFTER using a topical such as "Spiro" to prevent the hair loss in that same or later cycles?

Sorry for the dragged out explaination, I just want an actual anecdote of someone who has experienced and prevented hair loss!

Thanks in advance! Have a nice one guys!
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When you take dht derivatives you need to take a topical approach like nizoral shampoo, spiro, and even non hormonal products like rogaine.