Winstrol and Masteron?

I wouldnt run the 2 Id pick one or the other with tren and test, but whats ur diet,training and cycle exp.?
I hate winstrol, it makes my joints hurt and makes me feel funny in the head. I also get really bad head aches and muscle like charlie horses in legs.....from not drinking enough water. :)
I have not use masterone but I really want to hear soon and was planning on using it only with a little but of test just to feel good. I have had bro's do just the masterone EOD at high doses for 4-6 weeks and they got ripped fast as hell as it really shed water and estro's from there body. I do think one of them had some ED problems and he used some prop and cialis for this but nothing to out of the ordinary when trying to diet down. Its hard as it is anyway!!!
Thanx guys really apreciate your input.
I am 22, have been lifting since 16 and this will be my third serious cycle. my first cycle was a oral 8week bluk cycle. My second was agreat injectoin bulk cycle Test 200mg/ml once a week with Decca 250mg/week for 12weeks then I started injecting Masteron 100mg/ml EOD for 6weeks this hardened all my gains and made me look hard dry and ripped. I am 1.68meter and 95kg like I said 22years old and train really hard 2hours for 5 days a week. My diet is clean oats and protien for breakfast midmorning I have an apple and a protien shake lunc is normally a chicken breast and veggies and some brown rice then 2hours before I train I have a prtien shake and creatine. After I train I have protien and creatine again and after about a hour I eat dinner Fish fillet and Veggies then I hit the sack and sleep 7hours