

New member
Hello! First I want to say sorry about my bad english but hope you all understand my text.
I have taken my first cycle of anavar in spring. It was ok, I started 5mg and go to the 12,5mg. My cycle was 12 weeks. I didn't get anavar more but I found winstrol and I took it now for 6 weeks. I took last pills today..I started 5mg, then 10mg and last weeks 15mg. I get very good results in gym, I really like it! And no bad side effects. Only my clitoris enlarge. I'm now thinking if everythings is ok with liver I took one more cycle on end of the year.
The results with winstrol was so much better than with anavar..

so now I'm wondering what kind of feelings woman have after cycle. Can you keep the results what you get or is there gone be a descent??? depression? After anavar everything goes ok but like I say the result wasn't so good.

And other thing I'm wondering is that I'm also thinking to compete in next year. I'm trying to find information about how long the winstrol can be seen in drug test? Somebody says it's 2-3 weeks and somebody told me that can be 12 months!!?

Have you tried primo? I've just done at 10 week cycle it's pretty good..

I'm going to do winstrol next as never tried it... I will inject though 2ml per week in 2 shots.

If you want to compete why you worried about drugs in your system? Just don't Compete natural!!?? Anyway you can't compete natural until your drug free for 10 years by the way.....
No I haven't tried primo. Only anavar and winstrol. I really like it winstrol. Now after the cycle I have litlle bit acne but it's ok.
I worried because it's not allowed to use steroids in that compete where I'm gonna compete. I know that I'm not natural but I don't want be catch. So if I pay my compete license for next year they can come and take the tests for anytime of next year.
I wouldn't know if it could be traced... Sorry.

I'm starting my first Winnie cycle soon. I will inject, how much did you use per week first cycle?
That's what I'm wondering.. how long it can be traced or do I have to remove my compete for longer in future..
You can read it in my first post. I took winstrol in first week 5mg then second week 10mg and then last weeks 15mg for day.