
New member
I would also like to know if anyone knows about pramipexole.....??? and if woman can take it and how much? My boyfriend is trying to find information about woman and Pramipexole.. He has had not luck so far!
So any info you have for me will be greatly appreciated!!!

Pramipexole is used for parkinson's I believe. What exactly would you want to be using it for? Do you have Parkinsons?
No I dont have Parkinsons. lol My boyfriend heard that it helps with depression ,Bipolar and just mood in general, plus helps sex drive! Just wanting to know what I could take with Anavar (var) to help those??
So I found out that many guys use this when there prolactin levels are low. I don't know much about it but will see what I can dig up. Usually being on cycle increases sex drive for most.

If you are experiencing harsh symptoms on cycle it is probably not the best choice of steroid for you. Some of the "weaker" steroids can still have some pretty bad affects for some so I might consider trying something else. Not that there is alot of safe choices for women.

Maybe just lower the dosage by 2.5 and see how you feel. There is a fine line for some.

Also...St Johns Wort works for some for mood swings. You can get it at your local health food store.