Women and DNP?


Alleged Fatass!
Just wanted to know if any of you ladies have ever taken DNP and what were the results if you did? And at what dosage?

i would NEVER in a million years ever mess with that shit.. especially as a woman!! Research has shown that is interferes with the reproductive system.. it can corrupt a females eggs... NOT a risk worth taking just to lose some fat!! Not to mention the numerous other side effects!!! Too risky... TOO scary!!!
But hey.. that is just my opinion :)

the real guru on dnp and dnp and women is Citruscide; he wrote an article on its uses etc..
Nope...doesn't touch internal body temp. Actually, it hardly raises the body temp to an outrageous number past 98.6 when used correctly. Taking it on the half life is a completely different ball game developed by Bachynski. Studies have shown no deteriorating liver values, no cancer or cataracts and no "frying of the eggs." Now, did I say it wasn't a dangerous compound? NO! I am just stating that when used correctly, not everyday at terrible dosages...proper education is the key. Running it on it's half life will save you many of the unnecessary side effects associated with it.

Have I run DNP...4 separate cycles.
Torchy said:
Nope...doesn't touch internal body temp. Actually, it hardly raises the body temp to an outrageous number past 98.6 when used correctly. Taking it on the half life is a completely different ball game developed by Bachynski. Studies have shown no deteriorating liver values, no cancer or cataracts and no "frying of the eggs." Now, did I say it wasn't a dangerous compound? NO! I am just stating that when used correctly, not everyday at terrible dosages...proper education is the key. Running it on it's half life will save you many of the unnecessary side effects associated with it.

Have I run DNP...4 separate cycles.

damn girl.. you like walking on the wild side :)

so please discuss this further if you don't mind t :)

basically if you use 1/2 the dosage, are you getting the "fat melting" results, because all my studies and research on dnp have shown that users with incredible body fat loss have pushed the limits on what is too high with crazy body temps (~101 etc) hence the reasoning for the "melting" of bodyfat..

so if used correctly (low doses) are you seeing anything at all?? i mean enough to make it worth the risk of putting those toxic chemicals into your body??

Thanks for your contributions T :)
Dr. Bachynski had a patent in the early '80s with much success.

His patent revolved around taking DNP E36H(the half life) with the combination of T3 over extended periods of time. Not meant for those looking to lose just a few pounds.

This is what I have done in the past. Everytime I have run it, I did have different experiences. Not with the way the DNP "treated" me, but with occurances associated with it.

For instance, the first time I used it...200mg E36H, 100mcg T3 split 50/50, 40%carbs, 40% Protein, 20% fats...No carb deplete. Stopped all meds that I was taking for my C Spine(nerve blockers), but not quickly enough. Terrible, excrutiating headaches. Was drinking 2 gals H2O/day, had enough fats, etc...slept like a baby. Night sweats? Yes. Lethargy yes. All supps: b12 inj, ala(1800mg), C&E, MVMM, folic acid, NAC, b5...regular supps, bumping the ala. One week trial...could not go on with the headaches. Cause determined later of the headaches? Nuerontin still in my system. Body became incredibly stiff...Stopped after 7 days. Lost 11 scale # and 1.1%bf....regained over holidays.

#2 No headaches...stopped all meds 2 weeks out. Continued with the same supps, eating schedule and doses...After week one, I increased dose to 400mg. Bloat became bad. Fingers stiff...Body felt like it was hit with a sledgehammer...night sweats were pretty bad. Urinated every hour on the hour. Sleep pattern was horrible. Dropped added dextrose to diet...sugar increases my headaches. Overall weight loss with 14day run time...16.2lbs and 2.1%bf. Increased carbs to almost 60% of diet...60c, 30p, 10f

#3 Back to sleeping like a baby on it. Sweats, but not bad. Tolerable. Same as before with supps. No headaches...no meds, no added sugar. Stayed at 200mg dose. Looking to see what it can do for me at this dose...ran for 10 days. Neck was hurting...had to go back to my meds. Loss? 5lbs... .5%bf

#4 currently running number four. I stay on...or try to...2 weeks at a time and take 7-10 days off in between cycles until desired look achieved. Hard not being able to train...chemical medicine theory working. Can not stay on 200mg dose...seems as if my body is no longer affected by this dose. Started at 400mg this time. Playing with a 45c, 40p, 15f ratio this time...

Blood pressure has remained constant and steady at my normal reading 117/72...or very close to this. Never fluctuates. Pulse remains steady...

Body temp...Has never exceeded 98.1.

Total bf% loss to date: 3.7% since beginning
Total Scale #s loss to date: 24
pardon my intrusion ladies but heres a link to the anabolic forum with a thread about dnp , the first post of the thread is a good read and my reply which is about 4-5 replys from the front might interest you as well . torchy and i first discussed dnp a year or two ago and had some great talks about it . i may not be one of the ladies but i have numerous experiences with dnp and think i have a pretty good handle on it . that being said i personally would never reccomend dnp to a woman with the outside chance to become pregnant anytime soon thats not scientific data/fact just my personnal opinion .

like i said pardon the intrusion into your domain ;)
Dnp and women

can women on birth control take DNP? Also will women still loose weight the same as when men take DNP?
can women on birth control take DNP? Also will women still loose weight the same as when men take DNP?
I've read a few threads of women that have taken DNP successfully, but I personally think DNP is worth it's risk..