M1T is Methyl test... not sure how i feel about it.. i was never a fan of prohormones after my negative experience with andro... plus from what i read and hear, it is "supposed" to be stronger than natural test... BUT, there really are no studies on it... and the bbing community was just getting into it and then of course Bush and his act of pulling the prohormones... so my conclusion on M1T in general is still up in the air...
BUT if we compare it to an oral ANDRIOL which is testosterone undecanoate, (methyltestosterone), i have used it with great success as pct... and that was extremely mild, so if M1T acts anything like andriol, i would ASSUME it would act in a woman as low dose test therapy... BUT still there can be androgenic sides and needs to be monitored carefully...
**** Me personally Golgo, i would choose anavar over M1T for your girl... So many women have used var with fantastic results! It is tried and true and has been used and tested for years! It is my personal favorite as well
Great hard lean physique and nice strength gains... Plus for me, it actually balances my mood swings lol.. i seriously feel better on var then off! But i have also experienced post cycle depression from var... so i would highly recommend a post cycle therapy (pct) for her consisting of 5-HTP or melatonin or St. Johns Wort just to be on the safe side cause depression sucks!!! Also as i recommend to ALL women starting a new cycle, for 1-2 weeks prior really flood her body with Acidophilous!!! It will help build up her immunity to any sort of yeast infection which often occurs when hormonal treatment is administered and from antibiotics...
Mudge... var EOD, i do NOT recommend! You want constant blood levels and var is in and out too fast, so ED is necessary for good results... If you are gonna do the cycle, spend the funds and do it right imo... so tell your boy he is off his rocker lol...
so there ya have my $.02 in a nutshell
luv super