women or personal trainers help


New member
i just started a job at a all womens gym as a personal trainer. i have been lifting for about 7 years now but i play football so the majority of my weight training has been with males in a powerlifting setting...my question, or if you have tips on how to train women and if someone could advise me on training styles specific for women ex. different styles of lifts...im not asking for designed workouts just tips that would help me become a better trainer and to help my clients achieve what they want all ages by the way thanks for your time
IME, the only difference in a women's body and a mans is their upperbody strength is a lot weaker LB for LB... EVerything else is very similar
I agree with Skar. I don't think there is any reason you have to train them differently. Just make sure that you understand your client goals.....most women are terrified they will "bulk" up by lifting weights. This is ridiculous of course. Most women want to be thinner. At least in my experience.

Also remember......we are much more sensitive. So when constructively criticizing choose your words carefully. :rolleyes: