Won't be pinning in left Quad anymore


New member
Today was my third injection of test. First injection was in right quad, second was in right buttock, and I attempted to inject into left quad today. Lets just say my left leg freaked me out. I Was injecting slowly when wham my quad dipped in most freaky thing I've ever saw. I'm guessing I hit a nerve and thats how my leg reacted but I won't be pinning that anymore. I pulled out replaced needle and just shot in my right quad like before with no problem.
I was sitting down JD but I guess I was a little tense and had my leg tensed. First problem I had with injecting I knew it would be awkward but wasnt expecting it to go so bad injecting with my left hand.
I was sitting down JD but I guess I was a little tense and had my leg tensed. First problem I had with injecting I knew it would be awkward but wasnt expecting it to go so bad injecting with my left hand.

really hard for me to picture what happened then. When you said dipped I pictured leg going out from under you.

Only weird thing I ever had was shooting glutes once I must of hit a nerve cause my entire cheek sort of rippled like a big wave. Launched the pin right out of me. I just kind of laughed lol
Join the army and suffer through that giant harpoon they stick you in the ass with. Pinning is smooth sailing after that bitch.
Happens to me sometimes, more of a shock than anything....one of the main reasons i pin slowly.
hit a nerve awhile back my right vastus went ballistic on me and I just about fell over, pulled out the needle.. sucked up the shock I was starting to head into and moved my spot 5mm north.. not a fun time, couldn't wait to go lay down and get rid of the cold sweats.. you just have to ride that crap out and expect it to happen. Don't avoid the spot, as your bound to run out of good places to self inject if you do that.
There are a lot of nerve endings in your quads. I tried injecting there years ago and almost every time I had problems. Gluts ,Shoulders and Triceps no problems
Multiple injections in a weeks time, flexibility issues, smaller injection volumes... And I'm sure there are a million other reasons.

I was doing EOD for 16 weeks in the ass. Yea it hurt at times. But the pain was tolerable compared to the other areas.

Just my 2 pennies.