Work out routine for the new guy? Please help


New member
Sorry if there is already a thread about this out here, in sure there is but I couldn't find it. Im looking for a working out routine that's will bulk me up. I'm 6ft 155-160. My cardio and overall health isn't bad but it's not great. I'm involved in competitive jiu jitsu and do well but without strength and conditioning I just can't reach certain levels. I want to begin my program this week but don't know how often I should work out, how I should break up my workouts ( leg/chest days ect) how long should I rest. Basic stuff. Also how important is diet? Thanks sorry for the newb post
Diet for gaining is important. I'm no expert but you are going to want to eat a lot to gain weight/muscle. Yes some will come in the form of fa but the muscle will come too. you will want to ea high protein foods. Ge some creatine, bcaa's and some protein powder. Protein powder does not take the place of food, its a supplement.

When I started working out I did all push and pull exercises on different days. Chest, Tri's and shoulders then back and bi's. Legs had a day to themselves. I did that 6 days a week. I now due to time hit each part by itself. Chest, arms, shoulders, back, legs. I mix it so I don't do chest and the next day do shoulders.

I also like to use muscle confusion. Change up your workout routine from week to week. Meaning do a workout with high reps and high sets, to low reps high sets. do explosive reps and alo do slow and controlled reps ect. There is many variations to it and over time you'll get your own routine.

Good luck
imo a 3x5/5x5 program with bodybuilding accesories would be best for you if you do any kind of sports, u need functional muscles which will produce power.