Working legs tonight, what exercises bring out the vastus medialus


I am banned!
I have decently big quads and hamstrings but my teardrop muscle on the inside of my leg is underdeveloped.
Besides leg ext, what else can bring out more teardrop( vastus medialis)
Sorry about the sideways photo, tried to fix it to no avail
I find for myself anything narrow stance really hits the teardrop.

Something cool ive been doing lately is a superset. Set up two 25lb plates on the ground next to the leg ext and grab a DB which you think would be a suitable weight for you. With this you are going to have your heals up on the plates with a narrow stance (knees a fist width apart) and you going to hold the DB against you chest and do a squat. Start with a set of leg ext. then right into what I just described. Do three sets like that with no more than a minute rest between supsets. Tell me those teardrops arent burning after that!
I find for myself anything narrow stance really hits the teardrop.

Something cool ive been doing lately is a superset. Set up two 25lb plates on the ground next to the leg ext and grab a DB which you think would be a suitable weight for you. With this you are going to have your heals up on the plates with a narrow stance (knees a fist width apart) and you going to hold the DB against you chest and do a squat. Start with a set of leg ext. then right into what I just described. Do three sets like that with no more than a minute rest between supsets. Tell me those teardrops arent burning after that!
Are you describing a kettleball squat with elevated heels right after a set of leg ext? Right?
Hack squats with the feet close together. Sissy squats. Another trick I learned from an old pro was to do leg extensions but in 1 huge giant set like this.

with each rep pause at the top for 2 seconds very important.

10 full reps toes straight
10 half reps middle to top toes straight
10 full reps toes pointed out
10 half reps middle to top toes out
10 full reps toes pointed in
10 half reps middle to top toes pointed in,

If you got any left after that rep it out with full reps.

You have to really go light like stupid light to get through this without stopping. But my God the pump and the amount of blood you push into the quads is ridiculous. Hurts like a SOB too. But I had some big ole quads like the OP with not a lot of definition been doing this for a few months along with my cut diet and I have feathers in my quads now.

Don't believe the hype that you need huge weight to grow legs I did this for a few months like I said my quads got defined and grew from 24 to 26 inches. This along with hack squats, regular squats, and ham string work all with reps in the 20's. I do the hack squat like the extensions too brutal but the results do not lie my brothers :)
Are you describing a kettleball squat with elevated heels right after a set of leg ext? Right?

Basically ya, just make sure you have weight up by tour chest. (No sumo squatting lol). And heels raised up I find with heels raised up you can activate the quads better.

I do with with 12 reps per exercise, no need to go heavy on this.
Narrow squats w/toes pointed in. This works outside. Get Arnolds Encicopidia it will tell you all you need to know about what stance n what grip n what body position to bring out what is wanted. This book will never get replaced or out dated.
Thanks guys... Headed to the gym now. I'm old and prone to knee problems so pointing toes at awkward angles is questionable
Slightly pointed in. Important more is narrow.

With arms and legs and other. In works out and out works in. Want inner quad n ham wide stance with toes out pointing in the direction of legs and knees. Just do it with no weight or bar and you will feel it. Placing a 2x4 under your heels will also put stress as with the front squat. You need the basic concept (book) and then trial to perfect the exercise for you and your body n needs.

That's all I got, but it worked in my career (past). Good luck
Just got back from my leg workout. We will see what is sore in the next few days. But here's how it went

Started with the hammer strength linear hack press - 4 sets , seemed pretty easy on the knees which I liked. After it started to burn, I could do 4-5 more reps, hitting about 20 I think.

2nd was leg ext on a unilateral machine. Each side has. An arm that extends up so I used that for forced reps when I could no longer get full rom 3 sets ea side.

3rd was walking lunges with 70 lb barbell on back. My medialis was pretty fried by now do i did regular long strides lunges. 3 sets 20 steps ea leg

4th was sitting leg curls drop down set for 3 sets

Finished with calves. Seated legs straight triple drop down sets 4 sets

I didn't mske it the squat rack at all tonight as it was pretty busy. Thanks for all the help
I may of found my exercise of choice for the quads... The HS inline hack press. My quads are still sore as hell! Enough so that I can't foam roll them for more than 15-20 seconds before pain stops me. I can't believe it was the leg ext that caused this. It had to be the hack presses. These are gonn make a difference big time in my legs I think