Working on getting my diet right, need help from those more experienced please!


New member
I have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for 4 weeks now and everything is going very well, I am going to the gym 4-5 days a week and hitting the weights hard. I now need to get my diet in order so I can drop body fat and gain lean mass.

My Stats:

41 years of age
5'7" Tall
395 lbs
BF% I would guess 50-55%

I calculated my BMR and it came back at 2495

I need to figure out how many calories to consume each day as well as the macros from each group.

ok. this is what i use

Diet and Nutrition Evaluator - GB HealthWatch

now listen.

i created a profile there. its free, and its basically a calorie counter. you put in your age, birth, height and current weight. you also pick your lifestyle, such as "not active, modereately active, or active" . then you pick your goal. for instance. 1lb weight loss per week or you can pick 2lb of weight loss per week. or maintain or gain 1 or 2lbs per week. its your choice. depending on what you pick, you will be given an amount of cals per day , that you need to eat to achieve desired outcome at end of week. so you eat 2000cals per day, lets say, and at the end of the week, you weigh yourself and you should have lost weight. then you check in and pick your new weight, and the calc adjusts itself to your new weight and new cals are decided for you. it works. if you start adding stuff in as you eat, you will see how many cals you are using. u can also add in exercises which give you back your cals to use.

Now here is a weird aspect for you, I went to the doctor today to get my injection and I weighed myself, I gained 4 pounds from last week and when I weighed last week I had gained 3 pounds from the week before. The weird part is that my clothes fit a little better than they did two weeks ago. I have been hitting the gym hard for three weeks now, I work hard but there is no way that I have put on 7 pounds of lean muscle in two weeks while losing a little body fat, I am on TRT not a cycle.
I did a similar diet tracker it's an app called " my fitness pal". It calculates your calorie intake based on activity level and weightloss goals. It helped keep me in check and I saw how BAD I was eatin. I started at 2150 cal a day and did a ton of cardio 30-60 sometimes 90 min a day 6-7 days a week for the first two months. I only lifted weights two or three times a week. I didn't really focus on lifting but made sure I busted my ass on cardio. I dropped 40 lb in two months. And 10-15 next two months. I also am on trt. Weight gains at first on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for me seemed to just b water weight. So I increased my water intake to 200 oz a day bout pissed my self to death but really helped me shed the weight. I'm no expert and may have it all wrong but that's what worked for me. Hope it helps. With bf at 20-40 % u can really drop some weight fast. Good luck!!!

Now here is a weird aspect for you, I went to the doctor today to get my injection and I weighed myself, I gained 4 pounds from last week and when I weighed last week I had gained 3 pounds from the week before. The weird part is that my clothes fit a little better than they did two weeks ago. I have been hitting the gym hard for three weeks now, I work hard but there is no way that I have put on 7 pounds of lean muscle in two weeks while losing a little body fat, I am on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) not a cycle.

why question where your lbm comes from. accept it and cherish it. i gained 3lbs in one week and im on a full blown smorgasbord cycle. so have i. it could be your dieting , "IF" you are dieting. what i mean is, with a proper diet and exercise , you can gain lean muscle. you have to make sure that your diet is high in protein and somewhat mod-mod high fat. your body needs that shit. oh yeah, about that site. it wont always give you what you are looking for. so you have to make a good estimate of what that type of food is. the way i do it and its super simple and easy. for example, i ate a cobb salad that i bought and its 400 cals. fine. i go in the site and the only thing i can find even close to that is, "wendys cobb salad grilled chicken". so i choose that one. i dont think mine has chicken in it but i put that shit in anyways. it will then deduct 1 servings worth of cals. "but make sure you get as close as possible to the calories of that food item". meaning, if the cobb salad i bought is 400, but wendy's says its 230. type in like 1.5 servings and you should be close if not just a tad bit over of 400. see where im going with this. i can put "potatoe" in there and say i had 40 servings of potato, which would give me like 400 cals LOL. it doesnt matter what you use, but it helps. lol. your ultimate goal at that site, is to eat within your alloted calories for the day. keep that in check and you will see changes. but eat clean foods. dont use that tool to "think of small goodies you can toss in there". DAMN I GOT LIKE 40 CALS LEFT. ill eat these few skittles. DONT DO THAT SHIT!. just keep it simple and goal oriented and you will meet your goals. its working for me, but with gear, and now only weighting once per week, i wont know any results until then haha.