Working on next cycle - need input


Bodybuilder for Life
Here is a little background

Most recent cycles - I have done two cycles so far this year the first was a deca/cyp @ 250/250 once a week for ten weeks, I took 3 weeks off then another deca/cyp @ 250/250 once a week the I followed that with an additional 5 weeks of enan and fina 250 once a week and 1 cc fina eod. I am doing a nolva/Clomid post cycle therapy (pct) now.

About half way through the second cycle I had to get shoulder surgery so Im still on light duty for another 6 weeks. My MD says I should be ready by the end of this six weeks.

Stats -
6' 2" 210lbs @ about 8% BF. I try never to go above 10% even while bulking. I use one of the top nutrionist in the country so my diet is top notch and is put together knowing I "supplement".

List of goddies so far -
20 cc enanthate
20 cc Deca 300
30 cc Fina
100 dbol tabs
100 clen
and last but not least 100 T3

I would like to get out to 15 weeks if I stay healthy. I feel I need to add something else to the mix, I thought about changeing over to Winstrol (winny) and suspention the last 5 weeks to harden up. So how would you guys put this together, would you add anything? I plan on using nolva or fem during the cycle for water and gyno control lots of supplements and the usual vitamans, minrels avena sativa, milkthisle ect ect.

I would also like to add slin to the mix if it would help. Thanks for the input.

i would just up the doses a little, do 500mg test EW, 375mg deca EW, and start it off with 4 weeks of dbol at 30mg ED... then at the end you can always switch to suspension and Winstrol (winny) right up to PCT... something like this maybe..
wk 1-4 30mg Dbol ED
wk 1-12 500mg test E
wk 1-12 375mg Deca
wk 13-15 50mg susp ED
wk 13-15 50mg Winstrol (winny) ED
wk 16 start PCT
Slin im not that knowledgeable but most people starting out i see using 10iu post workout... but wait for someone that knows more bout slin to school you before you use that shit,...
good luck