Worried about high blood pressure.


New member
Hello there, in just under 2 weeks i will be starting a 5 week Dbol cycle, i intend to take (mg) 20-20-30-30-(40)<may be different, milk thistle along with it and nolva + clomid for a 3 week post cycle therapy (pct). My main concern is the ECA stack i intend to go in roughly at the start of my post cycle therapy (pct). I am doing the ECA stack due to an upcoming holiday which will be a week of severe binge drinking which could affect my blood pressure yet again, any input or experience on the matter is much appreciated!
Hello there, in just under 2 weeks i will be starting a 5 week Dbol cycle, i intend to take (mg) 20-20-30-30-(40)<may be different, milk thistle along with it and nolva + clomid for a 3 week post cycle therapy (pct). My main concern is the ECA stack i intend to go in roughly at the start of my post cycle therapy (pct). I am doing the ECA stack due to an upcoming holiday which will be a week of severe binge drinking which could affect my blood pressure yet again, any input or experience on the matter is much appreciated!

Add in about 7gm taurine per day half 30 min prior to workout it should help. Be sure you are drinking a couple gallons of water as well! Oh and don't be stupid and drink while using AAS why mess up the roids?? Are you adding in test with this?
yeah i've learnt my lesson not to drink alcohol whilst on a cycle, made me drop some of the gains! i was going to run dbol on it's own as it's only oral.
Dint do any of this. Oral only cycles suck. Read the oral sticky. And then running ECA and going into a week of binge drinking after that? What the hells wrong with you? You need to rethink this whole strategy.
This is what gives steroids a bad name... you obviously have no clue what you're doing.

Drop all the orals. Learn to eat CLEAN start doing cardio. You will get to where you want to be.