Would this be a good stack for my goals?


New member
My goals is to be ripped but have some size, would Winstrol (winny) and EQ be a good stack or should I stick to Winstrol (winny) and Test?
Which of the two based on your experiences have had less sideeffects and good gains?

MassiveMat said:
My goals is to be ripped but have some size, would Winstrol (winny) and EQ be a good stack or should I stick to Winstrol (winny) and Test?
Which of the two based on your experiences have had less sideeffects and good gains?

welcome to ology..
i understand your goal but its best to pick one, either cut or build its extremely hard to do both at the same time..

as far as the best stack for you tell us your stats, lifting history, age, etc...
22 y/o
I'm 6 feet tall
23% body fat
trained for 2 years naturally
Before that I was into taekwondo for a few years as well and only when i stopped i started to gain weight. I've been eating clean like super clean, only on egg whites, chicken and tuna..I've been losing weight but my muscle as been going too..
I know u cant be big and cut at the same time. Its hard to explain, but I dont wanna big as bodybuilder but not too lean as a jogger. To be in a better perspective the body of a kickboxer lean but still has some size. i hope you understand what im getting at..
run a little test and clean up your diet, run some trex, and do some cardio. Anything will help you reach your goals with a good diet. Winstrol (winny) is not a good choice, and eq imo is just a mild drug that resembles test with less water and less gains. Your goals are not very complicate, in fact they are rather simple.
MassiveMat said:
I've been eating clean like super clean, only on egg whites, chicken and tuna..I've been losing weight but my muscle as been going too..
eating clean is fine but total protein and CALORIES has to be enough to maintain or gain muscle . gear will not fix that .
get your diet dialed in before starting gear then when your ready try 400-600 mg of test eth or cyp for 10-12 weeks followed 2 weeks after your last injection by post cycle therapy (pct) . once you have started the cycle up the calories 500-1000 above maintainence requirements to allow for muscle growth and for every few pounds you gain up the calories slightly again because the moer you weigh the more calories it will take to continue to grow .