Would you use an ai for 250mg test e 350mg Npp per week? If so at what dose?


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Would you use an ai for 250mg test e 350mg Npp per week? If so at what dose? Urine isn't flowing as well as when I was on masteron. I have adex on hand. I was thinking about doing .25mg e3d just to be on the safe side. But do I really need it at that low of a dose?
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I use an AI for my TRT dose of Test Cyp. I am on 100mg every 3.5 days. So yes, I would use an AI for what you are contemplating.
Would you use an ai for 250mg test e 350mg Npp per week? If so at what dose? Urine isn't flowing as well as when I was on masteron. I have adex on hand. I was thinking about doing .25mg e3d just to be on the safe side. But do I really need it at that low of a dose?

def need an AI, your dose depends on you. I use about 0.25mg of adex EoD for that dose but it'd put my E in the lower ranges, which I'm fine with
I know for sure I need an ai because I'm starting to get ance .25 eod it is! And I know I'm only on my second week but libido is insane on Npp for me. I've never been so horny in my life. I'm actually talking to girls now something I never do...
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I dont use any that low but you can but honestly learn to do without it until you run test higher especially cuz you ppwerlift. Stan efferding has good advice about allt of stuff
Darnit I just took some bro!

Not gonna hurt you but i feel stronger without it pretty sure it adds to my tendon pain. I dont need it low dose test but everyone is different. Even when ive blasted high test for a meet i wont use it until my nips get a little sensitive. Soon as meet is over i dont pinn any test for 2 weeks let e2 go down on its own then back on trt dose
And remember I'm a little guy like ed coan and brandon cass any extra water or food weight slows me down especially on squat and deads and npp def increased my water retention so its probably for the best I will be trying both ways I'll keep you posted.
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Too poor for bloodwork

Let that be a lesson. Think of everything you need (including pct) BEFORE your cycle. That includes bloodwork btw. Anyways, ive heard people who dont use an AI during normal or light cycles, and just have some nolva on hand in case high oestrogen symptoms start to take place. Then use it at small does for a few days until the symptoms are gone and stop it again.

Next time plan for an AI. My opinion (a noobs opinion that it however)

That completely depends on your sensitivity. I almost never need an AI while on trt.

If my bf% creeps up maybe, but very little. Others have to even with a trt dose.
Let that be a lesson. Think of everything you need (including pct) BEFORE your cycle. That includes bloodwork btw. Anyways, ive heard people who dont use an AI during normal or light cycles, and just have some nolva on hand in case high oestrogen symptoms start to take place. Then use it at small does for a few days until the symptoms are gone and stop it again.

Next time plan for an AI. My opinion (a noobs opinion that it however)

What cycle? I never come off bro and I'm taking megatron's advice .25mg adex eod I feel better and it's safer that way.
I'm definitely taking adex at .25mg if I was on 250mg test only then I probably wouldn't use but since I'm stacking npp with it I'm using an AI. Just did squats today and still felt super strong so it is what it is. Thanks megatron!