Would you use an ai for 250mg test e 350mg Npp per week? If so at what dose?

Then why are you cycling? Are you skimping on food too?
Joking bro I know my body and when I'm in danger and that much ai?!?! that's the lowest effective dose possible what are you saying? .25 eod and you're a mod come on man get it together.
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Would you use an ai for 250mg test e 350mg Npp per week? If so at what dose? Urine isn't flowing as well as when I was on masteron. I have adex on hand. I was thinking about doing .25mg e3d just to be on the safe side. But do I really need it at that low of a dose?

Im on 250mg/week test e as weel and 500mg/week NPP I use 10mg aromasin seems ok so far but Im only 1 week in cycle
BTW why use adex? Aromasin is better in all aspects.
Not gonna hurt you but i feel stronger without it pretty sure it adds to my tendon pain. I dont need it low dose test but everyone is different. Even when ive blasted high test for a meet i wont use it until my nips get a little sensitive. Soon as meet is over i dont pinn any test for 2 weeks let e2 go down on its own then back on trt dose

adex also made me tired and I could do less in Gym switch to aromasin + adex have bad impact on cholesterol
Because it's easier on my joints. I powerlift. Although I've never tried aromasin might give it a try someday at what dose?

you really like to be spoon fed info don't you? I'd recommend a good search of this forum or google. Find the results, then come back.
Joking bro I know my body and when I'm in danger and that much ai?!?! that's the lowest effective dose possible what are you saying? .25 eod and you're a mod come on man get it together.

.25mg of adex every other day is the lowest effective dose? Where did you come up with that? Lots of guys take less than that.
Anything under that I did not feel worked but okay and I was also experiencing some achy elbows and knees from that dose so you might be right either way I'm backing off it until I run more gear.
Anything under that I did not feel worked but okay and I was also experiencing some achy elbows and knees from that dose so you might be right either way I'm backing off it until I run more gear.

Why wouldn't less work? Many guys run .25mg of adex eod for a cycle of 500mg test/wk. You are running less (nandrolone aromatizes less than test) than that. For my TRT of 200mg/wk I use .25mg of adex twice per week for example.

And I agree with the others that Aromasin might be good in your case. It often costs more though.

You really should shell out the $50 for some blood work rather than guessing.
Nothing wrong with asking for advice.

Yes, however, you don't want to be the dickhead who asks simple questions where the information is already readily available. It shows you're either lazy, selfish or an idiot.
Take for example watching a video on youtube, many people ask for the song name, when it's listed either at the end of the video or in the information section.

Then take what you're asking. It's an answer that takes 10 seconds to find. You ask on a forum, then wait for a response. If you'd have googled in the same time as you asked, you'd have had the answer quicker and without wasting other people's time.