Wow 3J thanx


New member
Ok I know it is written on here a hundred times but I just gotta throw a quick blurb out there!!
3J has been helping my wife for the past twenty weeks get ready for her first figure competition and results have been good but she has had a couple struggles
There is no magic foods or magic diet or magic number of sets and reps that work for everyone. Everyone is different and that is where it takes a professional to know how to adjust things individually to continue making forward progress. And 3J is amazing for that he takes each client as a individual and truly cares about results, it's not just a one size(plan) fits all with him!!!
So if there is anyone that is on the fence out there about getting help on your nutrition regimine through 3J my advice is JUST DO IT ALREADY!!!! like he says 80% of your results are from your nutrition plan. So if you bust your ass in the gym u better be damn sure you got a good nutrition plan to go with it, 3J will set that up for you!!

Thanx again for all your help 3j with my plan and my wife's!!!
any time my man.. im glad your happy with the progress.. she's a tough cookie and works hard