WSB kicks ASS.....HUGE NEW PR!!!!

What about if you throw in some high rep assitant stuff like hacks or fronts?

Warmachine said:
wsb is good stuff. i use their concepts in my training and with many of my clients.
I like joe defrancos lifting routines too, what i do more of.

some things to realize you will lose thigh mass if all you do is box squat...
02gixxersix said:
WSb doesnt do deads off the floor. They do good morning instead. Damn no love for the PR and I was excited too.

dont make the same mistake i made
and dont kid yourself-westsiders pull from the floor and a lot more often than you think..

alot of those articles are old and things have changed..if you are a "gifted" puller thna you can get away with not doing full pulls-if you arent a gifted puller then you need to be doing pulls (block, full pulls, band pulls) at least once every 3 weeks in your ME rotation
So blackbeard would you say just throw them in every 3 weeks or so just as practice kinda thing? Like do say 3 weeks of good morning then hit full deads on one ME day and then back to the normal routine, or are you saying to throw them in as a normal ME lift for a couple weeks?
if you want a real challenge, try deadlifting off a 3" box. then watch your rack-dead numbers.
02gixxersix said:
I have been doing weastside for only 3 weeks or so now and did rack deads for the first time today. I did good morning for the first 2 weeks. I have never held more than 315lbs because the last time I tried 365 with no straps I couldn't hold it. Today I hit not only the most I have ever rack deaded with the pin setting 2 inches below my knees but by far the most I have ever held. 495X1. I still can't believe it. This is by far the best program I have ever tried I wish I had gone PL a long time ago. I'm gonna get 515 next week.

congrats on a big ass pr.
02gixxersix said:
So blackbeard would you say just throw them in every 3 weeks or so just as practice kinda thing? Like do say 3 weeks of good morning then hit full deads on one ME day and then back to the normal routine, or are you saying to throw them in as a normal ME lift for a couple weeks?

i would use the rack more as assistance work and done for reps of 5-15
i wouldnt do one move for 3 weeks in a row (2 at most) the first week hit a 3RM and the second week go for a 1RM..

better yet change your ME move every week
1. Suspended Gm's
2. Low Box squats
3. Arched GM's
4. Full Pulls or block pulls

take those same workouts and change your stance ( use close instead of wide stance or vice versa) on all of those moves and now you have 2 months of training doing something different each time
blackbeard said:
i would use the rack more as assistance work and done for reps of 5-15
i wouldnt do one move for 3 weeks in a row (2 at most) the first week hit a 3RM and the second week go for a 1RM..

better yet change your ME move every week
1. Suspended Gm's
2. Low Box squats
3. Arched GM's
4. Full Pulls or block pulls

take those same workouts and change your stance ( use close instead of wide stance or vice versa) on all of those moves and now you have 2 months of training doing something different each time
Thanks for the help Blackbeard and others. This is all new to me so any help is appreciated and most of what I have learned thus far has come from the westside articles.

Blackbeard I don't have chains yet and I don't think they would welcomed at my gym anyways lol but when I do my good morning I start with the bar on the pins in the rack at what would be the parallel position. So I lift up then put it back down instead of the traditional way. Would this be just as good as suspending the bar from chains? I mean it would be the same motion basically.
i do my concentric GM's the exact same way (off pins)

the only disadvantage is that when the bar is on pins and you get closer to your max its very hard to get the bar set right on your back.with chains its easier to get inot position..

so other than comfort theres no difference as far as strength is concerned

ask ur gym manager if its ok to bring chains in-i dont see the problem since its not going to hurt/break any of the equipment
Blackbeard I took your advice and started liftinf off the floor and today did a pull off a 3 inch box with the lightened method using small size ironwoody bands and 425. Not sure what it equals at the top but the most I have ever pulled normally off the floor using straps was 405 and today I hit that with no straps. I'm making PR's every week I love this program.
silver_shadow said:
good job on the string of PRs gixxer. are you on a cycle?
Nope and my diet is sucking ass too lol. Just basically going in and wreaking havoc on the weights everytime I'm there. I think switching it up and the speed work are the biggest reasons why I have made great progress. I explode with everything now.
Another thing is definitely the band work. I take the band ork lightly, only doing it every once in a while for maybe a week on either chest or squat but I think anyone who has not given them a try definitely should.