wtf is wrong with me??


New member
ok a little background: 19 years old. had sex maybe 50 times. didn't have sex till i was 19. was fat till 19. kk gf hott as fuck.

so my problem:

sometimes i can last like 4ever and my gf wants me to finish and i cant. one time i actually faked it. lol. but sometimessssssssss ill last for like 2 minutes. 2 fucking minutes!! so basically its hit or miss every time me and my girl or any other girl get down.

wtf getting head i can last as long as i want.

im pissed

dunno if it has anything to do with my diet cuz i eat like shit or amount of sleep i get or how horney i am.

psychological thing. i too can last long but can cum whenever I want. maybe lay off the sex thing for a month and see what happens. it could also mean that u fap way too much to make ur thing loose its sensitivity and somehow numbed them nerves. i still bet on the first one
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to montess again.
probably has to do with u being turned on enuff, i do the same thing, if a girl knows what the hell shes doing yay for a 45 min fuck, if she doesnt... 3 hours later im sweating like a prostitute in mississippi, my reccomendation would be if its not going anywhere, pull out, get ur cock sucked close to climax, stick it back in and lay it down
im a firm believer of it being completely psychological. i used to have the same problem, a couple years back when i was in high school. you really just have to master sex in your mind, and then the physical aspect is a piece of cake.
its all in ur head

also u can wear ear plugs, to take away the sensation of sound, and picture fucking a whale or soemthing
the problem is probably with your girlfriend. post up naked pictures of her and we will be able to tell if its her fault.
Tafman said:
its all in ur head

also u can wear ear plugs, to take away the sensation of sound, and picture fucking a whale or soemthing

sperm whale or like one of those black killer whales like Free Willy?
Tafman said:
its all in ur head

also u can wear ear plugs, to take away the sensation of sound, and picture fucking a whale or soemthing


that was gr8. :rockband: :insane2:
Id say your problem is coming from how often your having sex/masturbating.. say u havent done either in a week, then when u do u wont last very long maybe a few minutes.. but u been having sex for 3 weeks straight every night, ya ull last a lil longer