Need Urgent Help Age 18 recently 5 weeks ago i ran Wyked Labs 7 Ment Alpha (trenbolone acetate) for 30mg/day i accientally left the bottle at a friends place so i did 3 days on 4 days off then around 10 more days on til i realised i shouldnt be taking a prohormone. after stopping the prohormone i didnt take a serm (tried asking for one by family doctor told me to wait) i ran only black revolution pct while on ph and off til the bottle is gone and triazole at 3 caps a day. I have just last week realised that my testicles have not returned to normal and my libido is off, flaccid penis is hanging less(shrink from high estrogen or low dht?). What should i do now as in recovery? I went to the urologist and he said he told me to wait since i was 18 and didnt want to give to serms in possiblity it will stunt my growth and did not test my blood. Is there anything i could buy to speed up my recovery? a natty test booster? And is Trenbolone Acetate a wet steroid as it converts to estrogen at a high rate. will my hormones balance out naturally over time or do i need to take medication asap. Thanks you for reading this and hopefully someone can reply because my family doctor and endo wont help me.