Yet another SARMs noob question. PCT and AI

Greetings all. I'm a new member here and I am seeking some pct advice regarding my SARMs cycle. I have two bottles of liquid LGD from a reliable RC lab. Their COA/purity report checks out well (over 99%).

I plan to run 5mg ed each morning for 8 weeks starting April 1st.

Now I have read the university studies that show test suppression. Therefore I have pharma grade Clomid and Nolva for pct.

I have been advised to try (together):
40/20/20/20 Clomid ed for 4 weeks
20/10/10/10 Nolva ed for 4 weeks

I have also been advised to do the same doses but eod.

What are your thoughts on this pct protocol?

AI: I have been told that an AI *should* technically not be needed because technically SARMs don't aromatize. But something tells me I should have Aromasin on hand just in case. One fellow said to take 12.5mg eod during the LGD cycle. What are your thoughts on this?

Thanks in advance.
10mg daily is standard
No ai needed as you said sarms do not convert to e2
And your good to go
I have been advised to try (together):
40/20/20/20 Clomid ed for 4 weeks
20/10/10/10 Nolva ed for 4 weeks

This is the normal routine. Some people like to run them for 6 weeks instead of 4, just to be on the safe side. Up to you, though.
The PCT you mentioned is good.
But i would still rec doing a teste or cyp cycle and adding the sarm in place of a typical oral aas.
but yes do a pct regrdless

I find the synergy between AAS and SARMs gets you a bigger bang for your buck. Testosterone with LGD combined will give you a better result than either one alone. Since you should do a PCT after using LGD anyway, adding test to the cycle is a good thing. You just have to remember about an AI if you add a high dose of test (a good rule of thumb is any dose above normal TRT test doses you need to start considering an AI).
Hello again. So I am now closing on three weeks running LGD at 5 mg each day. I felt nothing for two weeks. At the beginning of the third week is when I noticed a significant change in volume capacity, a bit of strength, and definitely more hardness. Zero side effects to report. Nuts feel the same size, still get morning wood. Sex drive feels the same, appetite feels the same, and no acne. However, the skin on my face does feel a little bit more oily.
Hello again. So I am now closing on three weeks running LGD at 5 mg each day. I felt nothing for two weeks. At the beginning of the third week is when I noticed a significant change in volume capacity, a bit of strength, and definitely more hardness. Zero side effects to report. Nuts feel the same size, still get morning wood. Sex drive feels the same, appetite feels the same, and no acne. However, the skin on my face does feel a little bit more oily.

yes this is normal. takes few weeks to see much even on a straight aas cycle. keep pushing and lifting! and dont forget biggest factor is diet, workout and THEN supps/sarms/aas
SARMs vary in how long they take to start seeing the effects, and it can very greatly from person to person. But like Juced said, DIET is the most important factor in success. You can NEVER out maneuver a bad diet.

The nice thing about the effects taking a bit to start is that they also then linger after you stop. :)
Final update on my LGD experiment:
Overall it was a good experience. When I try it again I will do it for a shorter length. I did 8 weeks on and I think 6 or 7 would have been better. Last week and a half I felt groggy. I was still lifting but I had markedly less "get up and go". Logical guess would be test suppression.

I did a pyramid dosing schedule starting at 3ml and peaking at 7, then tapering back to 3.
I did no PCT, though I did have two different kinds of SERMS in my desk. I only used and am still using Blue Ox test booster. I think it helped. But no bloods were taken.
I started at 209lbs and peaked at 216. I am now 213.
While on, I was noticeably bigger (by others and myself) and stronger and I seem to have kept most of my size after the water retention dissipated. Pumps, if you like the feeling, were unreal.
When on LGD I recommend watching your sodium.

I have been considering running a test cycle but as I am turning 40 in July I plan on visiting an endo for testing to see where I am at.

Takeaway: I would recommend LGD if it's from a reputable lab. If you've never used it before I think it's kinda like getting what most people wished they were going to get when they use this or that BS fad supplement. It provides a bump. A decent bump but, just a bump.
Takeaway: I would recommend LGD if it's from a reputable lab. If you've never used it before I think it's kinda like getting what most people wished they were going to get when they use this or that BS fad supplement. It provides a bump. A decent bump but, just a bump.

Thank you for your input, it is always helpful and desired. :)