Yohimburn DF - Day 3


New member
No results noticed yet :mad:

I've been putting it on my chest twice a day...no improvment

Is day 3 too early to expect to see a difference?
as Sparkly said... give it a full 2 weeks and then judge how you feel about it.. like anything.

Should I take it everyday for the first 2 weeks? Or is 5 days on 2 days off better like with the old yohimburn?
No, put it on everyday. That's was purpose of the DF was to stop the water retention that was forcing people to take 2 days off.
It should go on 30 minutes before training.
ok, im doing it right then... i put it on when my alarm goes off in the morning, stay in bed for another half hour, then hit the cardio on my recumbant bike while watching tv, its great! :D