Yohimburn DF - Final Results


New member
Well I used the whole bottle and its been over 2 weeks since I stopped...I didn't notice any improvement...I used it on my chest - twice a day, 40 min before working out

...oh well, I guess it just doesn't work on everyone
Sorry to hear you didn't get the results you were looking for. Thanks for letting us know your final results though.:)
were you using for chest fat or puffy nipples?

if chest fat, those are surprising results. If puffy nipples, its dissapointing though not as surprising as puffy is caused by a variety of factors of which A2 issues are only one.

if it is puffy nipples you may want to try selegiline (mao-i-b) or bromocriptine/cabergoline (dopamine agonists)- as the other main cause of puffy nipples is prolactin.
ya, its chest fat

...but then again I feel a small lump under each so i've been goin to the doc about that...could be minor gyne, which i'll be lookin at surgery for soon..

...i thought i'd try the yohimburn before considering surgery tho
...i'm gettin some tests done next week for estrogen/androgen levels. Surgery doesn't really bother me, i just wanna get rid of this Sh*t.
Well, I've been using it for about 3 weeks, 30 minutes prior to workout on lifting days, and prior to bed on non-training days (or when I'm rushed for time before the w/o), and I've seen only miniscule results, combining this with (alternating, 2 week periods) clen and ECA.