That's all fine and well Fist, I guess you should be grateful - but that doesn't mean when someone does get a shit batch of gear from a sponsor - they shouldn't be able to openly voice their frustrations.

If someone posts that their gear is bunk or underdosed - they should be able to say so openly and without recoil or backlash from reps/mods or 'regulars'.

if this were the case ,, then what about all the idiot newbs who don't know the difference between good gear and under dosed gear? you'll have guys running good gear, who have shitty diet and training and who expect miracles from AAS use complain that the gear is bunk, when its not, its just them
if this were the case ,, then what about all the idiot newbs who don't know the difference between good gear and under dosed gear? you'll have guys running good gear, who have shitty diet and training and who expect miracles from AAS use complain that the gear is bunk, when its not, its just them

That's where bloodwork or your own product testing come in. If you don't have factual data to back any of your claims up then I guess anyone is free to spew all the bs they want...especially newbs who don't know the ropes
if this were the case ,, then what about all the idiot newbs who don't know the difference between good gear and under dosed gear? you'll have guys running good gear, who have shitty diet and training and who expect miracles from AAS use complain that the gear is bunk, when its not, its just them

You're totally correct, there needs to be some data to back up the claims...

But on the flip side, if an experienced AAS user is given bunk AI, and ends up suffering with gyno, then he should be well within his rights to expose the fact that he's been fucked over, without running the risk of reprisal.

I'm sure we ALL want a fair and level playing field here, no-one wants something for nothing.

You've got to bear in mind that a few people on here compete - and something so simple as underdosed or bunk gear, or dodgy AI - can compromise the whole fucking show.

Both myself (and I was a rep for fucks sake!) and Onk were given shite gear during comp prep - and I can't speak for Onk, but I had to resort to approaching dodgy local dealers looking for help.

That should NOT be allowed to happen.

PSL were well aware that I was competing, they were expecting a log - and STILL they sent me substandard product. Well I'm sorry, but if you send dodgy gear my way, rep or no rep status, I'll be honest and open about that product.

I have too much integrity to lie.
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That's all fine and well Fist, I guess you should be grateful - but that doesn't mean when someone does get a shit batch of gear from a sponsor - they shouldn't be able to openly voice their frustrations.

If someone posts that their gear is bunk or underdosed - they should be able to say so openly and without recoil or backlash from reps/mods or 'regulars'.

That's why the rest of my entry that you cut off said that we should help on another and we all have been burned. I'm not siding in my comment on what provider or providers I used.
I do feel it important to spread the word if you got the shaft so others don't. Unfortunately not everyone does it correctly.
I wish this on nobody, bunk gear or no shipment!!
I am using the euro anavar right now and so far so good. As a female, the first thing I look for as far as 'is this legit?' is libido. That's always the first sign I see when taking AAS. I can honestly say that is being (positively) affected. Am also starting to notice significant strength gains.

Been using AAS for years, lifting even longer. So id like to say I'm seasoned enough to be able to give a trustworthy review. HOWEVER I can only speak for myself.
I am using the euro anavar right now and so far so good. As a female, the first thing I look for as far as 'is this legit?' is libido. That's always the first sign I see when taking AAS. I can honestly say that is being (positively) affected. Am also starting to notice significant strength gains.

Been using AAS for years, lifting even longer. So id like to say I'm seasoned enough to be able to give a trustworthy review. HOWEVER I can only speak for myself.

Thanks for your advice :)