Your favourite soccer team?

I'm an Everton fan.

But for pure footballing entertainment I like watching Arsenal play. Such great players.
Real Madrid is definitely the funnest to watch. I have to go with ronaldinho Gaucho's team as well, I believe that's AC Milan. And how could you not like Manchester United?
bob, ronaldinho plays for Barcelona unfortunatelly, i wish he played for Milan. But there's one brazilian player in milan who's going to be one of the greatest players in history- he's name is Kaka
Real Madrid and Benfice <-- they aren't the most amazing, but I have to rep my country!
alisamiyen said:
bob, ronaldinho plays for Barcelona unfortunatelly, i wish he played for Milan. But there's one brazilian player in milan who's going to be one of the greatest players in history- he's name is Kaka

I don't know about kaka, but i do know about ronaldinho and i can't think of anyone's style of soccer that i enjoy watching more.
Growing up I used to support Liverpool FC
I was a huge fan up until i was 18 when i moved away to uni and then lost touch of football.. I got heavily into kickboxing and muay thai so i stopped following the footy scene as much

I still have a soft spot for them though!

My current home town are also cool, Leicester City FC

I also like Chelsea since that's my real home team... well sorta lol
Born in London, closest team to me would be either tottenham or gunners but i like chelsea more :p
What is it with people and Man Utd?????? Back in the days when Big Ron was in charge of the team I can only remember one other person who liked them. Everyone was a Liverpool supporter. Now the world seems infested with Man U fans.
el_decameron said:
Agree with you...the bandwagon thing.

you'll see lotsa Arsenal fans cropping up the next couple of years I reckon.

Your right. Should see the amount of Kids walking around with Chelski shirts on.
Alex Ferguson is one of the worst coaches i've ever seen

Sure they won't win the championship this year, Chealsea is growing too strong.
ferguson needs to retire now i think, he's had his day but i think his style of management is getting old and managers from the continent are gettnig the new mix right.
Muay Thai Guy said:
erm except maybe houiler lol

Houiler should never been in charge of buying players at Liverpool. I think his coaching style was OK though.