Your opinion on this please


New member
Hi All,

I'm looking to do my first cycle of peptides next month(September). I'm going to Thailand to do MuayThai for 3 months. This is what my cycle for the next 3 months would look like and typical day..I would like your feedback on what I could do better to improve both my goals here which is to Loss as much Fat possible and build lean muscle at the same time.( If possible)

Here we go!

wake up 6am 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293. (On empty stomach) - WAKE UP

Complete 10km jog, Pad work and normal Muay thai training till about 11am

11am Have Grilled chicken with steamed vegi's

12pm go gym and dp heavy weights training. till 1pm

1pm straight away after weight training 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x200mcg GHRP-2, 1x200mcg CJC-1293. - POST WORK OUT / PRE-BED

After injections sleep till 4pm

wake up 4pm 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293. (On empty stomach) -Pre work out

Pad work and normal Muay thai training from 5pm till about 8pm

straight after training Have grilled chicken with sweet potato

10pm -1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293 - PRE BED

My question's here are...Am I over doing it with injections? Are my timing right for injections? Dosages to high or low? Will I see results with it knowing peptides need to be take for atleast 6 months?

I'm 23years old My height is 180cm, I weight about 107kg with about 21% Body fat.

cant wait for ally our feed backs
Are you only having 2 meals or are you not posting the remaining meals? As long as you're not pinning more then every 3 hours you're not over doing it. My concern is you meal plan. After a week of training like that with 1 meal you'll have a cold and wish you were dead you'll be so sick with no immune system. Have you been training long?
I know I know!!! where do you think it would be fine to squeeze meals in my routine? As l'm aware you cant take peptides and eat as it would blunt it!! and to maximize fat loss its best to take pep on empty stomach and train so that the body uses fat as energy not the food.
There are a thousand threads on how to time eating with peptides. First go read the stickies on peptides then you need to decide what type of diet you are going to utilize and go from there. Are you presently on a diet? If so tell me what a typical Monday looks like from morning to night, and be honest. Do you count calories or macros? How much protien, fats and carbs.
frag only seems to work on those with low bf to start. Like pre contest type bf.
the cjc/ghrp is ok. Dont eats carbs or fat 30 mins before or 1 hour after or you will blunt the gh pulse.
good luck.
I've worked out that I can also fit another 2 meals in my day!

The real question I would like to ask is, Peptides aren't like steroids in terms of almost immediately gains...From everyone's experience would I see any lean gains and fat loss by sticking religiously to my training dieting and injections of peptides? As I'm aware you need to take peptides for at-least 6 months to see any improvements, when I'm actually taking it for only 3 months!
Thanks for that information! I will be posting a log on my progress with pictures. That way everyone can benefit from my information and I can benefit from everyones infromation on what I can do better.

I've finished my plan and this is what it looks like with more meals in there, let me know if I can change anything to maxiumize my goals of losing body fat and adding lean muscle. HERE WE GO!

wake up 6am 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293. (On empty stomach) - WAKE UP

Wait about 25minutes after injection and have oats with strawberrys & blackberrys, 6 eggs, and protein shake.

Complete 10km jog, Pad work and normal Muay thai training till about 11am

11am Have Grilled chicken with steamed vegi's and sweet potato.

12pm go gym and do weights training. till 1pm

1pm straight away after weight training 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x200mcg GHRP-2, 1x200mcg CJC-1293. - POST WORK OUT / PRE-BED

Wait about 25 minutes and eat chicken with sweet potato and protein shake.

After eating sleep till 4pm.

wake up 4pm 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293. (On empty stomach) -Pre work out

wait about 30 mins after injection, Eat either pasta or high carb thai food like Pad Kee moew Seafood( Sterfried Flat rice noodles with vegis & seafood)

Pad work and normal Muay thai training from 5pm till about 8pm

straight after training Have grilled chicken with sweet potato and protein shake

wait about a hour after eating and inject the following just about to go to bed 1x300mcg frag 191, 1x100mcg GHRP-2, 1x100mcg CJC-1293 - PRE BED

Now I know this is intense training but this will go on for a whole 3 months straight. Monday to Saturday with sunday a day off. I'm only worried that I might be low on minerals/vitamins as illuminated33 mentioned.

Also in terms of recovery do you think its best to inject Test Prop @ 100mg EOD ???