Your opinions on 500 mgs of test vs. 2 G


Well-known member
What do you guys think? Not that im really considering this, just curious, would your gains be a lot greater with 2 G's of trest than 500 mgs? and how much?
Yeah gains would be better for me. 500mg doesnt do a whole hell ofa lot where as 1 gram makes thing a lot better, im sure 2g would be a lot nicer
2gs seems a lot seems like you would put on more water weight that way and lose most of your gains most ive done is 750mg a week I was always horny ass fuck sometimes i wanted to kick my girl cause she wouldnt let me hit i put on some good size and kept most of my gains youd probally be one horny guy at 2gs a week
I didn't know you posted this, or I would have saved that response for your thread. lol

Yes, gains should be more.
This assumes that the diet will support the gains (if you don't eat, you can't grow), training will stimulate the body, and proper rest will allow the body to grow.

The down side of this is, 4 times the gear does not equate to 4 times the grow. It comes much closer to equating to 4 times the sides though. For many, an increase in gear to a mega dose (1-2g) represents a very marked increase in sides. Often, the increase in gains is not enough to outweigh the increase in sides.

All of this assumes that we are talking about a person who has any business doing this anyway.

If you are 18yo, 6'2" and weigh 150lbs...14 grams of gear won't do it. You gotta eat.

The increase in gear and gains is really only seen in someone who actually should be using gear in that range anyway. You also have to be aware that some folks seem to plateau. If you hit the wall using 2g of test, what's next...3g? then what?

Use enough to grow without shorting yourself, but not so much that you are pissing oil and money.
This was my answer to his PM...

Of course... 500mg is considered a mild to moderate dose of test... 2 G a week is considered a very high dose. The problem is that people think if 1 pill will make me bigger... 5 pills will make me huge... the side effects will also be compounded.. bitch tits, high blood pressure, name it. IMO the body trys to stay in a state of homeostatis...that is..and even throw in 2 G of test a are definately going to put on muscle..quite a bit, most likely...however..say you put on 25lbs of muscle.. when the cycle is over... you are going to lose probably 21lbs of muscle..if not more.. cuz your body is not equipped to handle the rapid weight gain. Now if you gain the 25lbs of muscle over a 3 year period (slow and steady wins the race) your body will adapt to having the increased muscle and your sides will be virtually non existant (if proper protocals are followed and you don't have any pre disposed conditions)

Bottom line--if your are going to use anabolics..use them to give you a slight nudge in your training....not a huge shove... Hope this was helpful
Tsaunders said:
What do you guys think? Not that im really considering this, just curious, would your gains be a lot greater with 2 G's of trest than 500 mgs? and how much?

The short answer is yes, assuming your diet supports it, the gains would be a lot greater. How much? Any answer is going to involve speculation and it depends on a multitude of factors. If you want a wild ass guess - I'd guess that the gains could be 50-100% greater.
Key word is - IF YOUR DIET CAN SUPPORT IT. On 2 g of test your metabolism will be so high, if you dont increase calories accordingly, you will actually LOSE not gain.
vados said:
Key word is - IF YOUR DIET CAN SUPPORT IT. On 2 g of test your metabolism will be so high, if you dont increase calories accordingly, you will actually LOSE not gain.
I've actually been losing fat, eventhough I'm already lean enough. But losing it in the difficult sticky places. I'm a walking furnace and still manage to gain a bit of muscle. :)
thefantom1 said:
This was my answer to his PM...

Of course... 500mg is considered a mild to moderate dose of test... 2 G a week is considered a very high dose. The problem is that people think if 1 pill will make me bigger... 5 pills will make me huge... the side effects will also be compounded.. bitch tits, high blood pressure, name it. IMO the body trys to stay in a state of homeostatis...that is..and even throw in 2 G of test a are definately going to put on muscle..quite a bit, most likely...however..say you put on 25lbs of muscle.. when the cycle is over... you are going to lose probably 21lbs of muscle..if not more.. cuz your body is not equipped to handle the rapid weight gain. Now if you gain the 25lbs of muscle over a 3 year period (slow and steady wins the race) your body will adapt to having the increased muscle and your sides will be virtually non existant (if proper protocals are followed and you don't have any pre disposed conditions)

Bottom line--if your are going to use anabolics..use them to give you a slight nudge in your training....not a huge shove... Hope this was helpful
Good post ^
I went from around 500 to around 800 and noticed nothing except acne. I bumped it because it was near the end of the cycle and I hit a plateau, but it didn't push me past it.

I think it's very true that slow and steady wins the race. Your body really needs to adapt to new muscle.