i would love to try suspension, in fact i will. If you can, get Univet, it is the best. I heard Denkall's new Aqua-Test is good too. Pros are it is very potent, because it is straight test, as opposed to prop or other test w/ esters.
I used Univet Suspension a long time ago. It was my second cycle ever. Susp/dbol. Only used the susp. eod. I still blew up though. Strength was unreal. Diet was a little off, not very clean. Thus, the bloat was crazy. And that is the only Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) I have ever used that made my nipples really sensitive. All in all, I've never used it again. Much better drugs out there that suit me better.
I have decided to ditch enanthate in my new cycle. Now I plan on using suspension and prop. So far I am on day 3, I feel like complete shit (flu symption) I can definatly tell its there.
For it to be at its best it should be shot 3x per day,but u could go with 2x.I have run it twice,but it mostly used by the athlete that is drug tested.
I love suspension. But it is the most painful inject ever. I'm a limping gimp when I'm on it. I wouldn't even dare do a delt shot with it. My arm would be useless.
Well I guess I can give you guys an update. I finished the 6 week cycle with the standard nolva & clomid. So far I have kept about 90% of my gains. Strength was through the roof, bloat was terrible even with .5mg l-dex ed. Next time I think I will use it with some Winstrol (winny) and or fina.
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