Z-Labs Test Cyp Cycle

I'm on my 4th week of the exact same stuff and I am very happy with the results thus far. Two of my friends are also using products from the same place and are also very pleased with their results.
Wow that's some crazy gains. Keep us posted, i'm so looking foward to starting my first cycle just reading this.
Thanks fellas!

I'm a little sad because I was doing so good but that week REALLY set me back BIG time.

Its taking me a bit to get back into the routine. Hopefully this Monday I should be doing very well. Its hard to get food down but I'm trying. After this weekend I'm really going to put the hard work in.

This week sucked also. This was the week following the sick week that I couldn't make it to the gym. I missed monday and half-assed the rest of the week. Today (Saturday) I felt a lot better and really did good.

I will do my best to get the most I can out of this cycle so I can post some before & after pics.

I finished the first vial so I just started on my second. This is beginning of week #5

Lets hope everything goes well from now on!
It'll be nice to see how this cycle goes for you. I have the same exact thing waiting for me. Also got some leftover BD I'm gonna use up. Going to run 500 mg for 15 weeks. Keep us updated.
run the aromasin for the last 2 weeks of your cycle and for the 1st weeks of your pct then stop... if i were you i would run an extra week with the nolvadex just to be safe... try 20/20/20/10/10
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Excellent feedback and cycle updates!

Thanks kane.

Well good news for me, I switched up my diet this week since I'm getting back into the routine and I'm back up to 200.8 lb this morning.

Considering the sick week I dropped about 4-5 lb.

Feeling 100% again. Still having sex like a rabbit and trying to lift heavy in gym.

Will update soon!
Do you wanna switch lifes? :(
you get the bold/test cycle that puts 0 lbs and I get yours. Deal?
Ok, in addition to finally gaining weight again, I'm upping my dosage to 750mg a week.

Was 1cc Sat/Tues. and now will be 1½cc Sat/Tues.

Loving this stuff :D :D
hey i was wondering how much cyp your taken each week..im very impressed with your gains and im about to start my cycle of cyp and would like to have same results
hey i was wondering how much cyp your taken each week..im very impressed with your gains and im about to start my cycle of cyp and would like to have same results

Ever think about reading the first post? 500mg EW.
So, the new dosage this week is 750mg/week.

Lets see the difference.

Also, I'm pretty upset at last weeks diet plan. I basically switched out all my brown rice, whole wheat pasta, etc, for white rice.

I can say I look fatter around my gut (which I should have known was going to happen) and I didn't really gain any muscle, at least I don't think. But hey, trial and error, right?

This week I'm going back to everything whole grain and I'm going to start throwing in some stair master cardio for about 15 minutes after workouts 3 times a week to get rid of that nasty belly I put on.

Sucks how only one week of that shit could add so much fat. My body stores white carbs instantly.

Still at 204 lb. Looking to put on at least 4 lb this week. Will update soon.

P.S. - I also started HCG @ 500 iu Every 4th day.
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Up to 205.2 lb this morning :D

Feeling good! Strength gains definitely up. Going up in weight easily. Endurance is crazy. Still eating about 7 times a day or more some days.

Started at 191lb now to 205 lb. Thats 14 lb so far. I don't think It's mostly water weight because I'm definitely bigger and harder than when I started. I'm up about 2% BF though. Not a big deal, it will come off easy when I cut anyway.

will update soon
14lbs in one month.. thats really good, keep up the good work

how long will you run this cycle ?
14lbs in one month.. thats really good, keep up the good work

how long will you run this cycle ?

Thanks G. I will run the Z-Lab cyp cycle for 10 weeks then I throw in test E for an additional 5 weeks, for a total of a 15 week cycle.
Well, I figured out the diet I initially started with is the best for me. It consist of A LOT of brown rice and red meat.

Apparently brown rice and red meat puts the weight on for me.

I'm up another lb since yesterday. I'm at 206.2 lb this morning. BF% is still the same as it was a week ago.

Looking like I'm getting back into gaining 1lb a day :D :D

Will update soon.
Brown rice is excellent, you should try oats aswell I find it excellent replacement to rice sometimes

Oh I hate you and all your gained lbs ;)
I don't know bro, I'm not trying to burst your bubble. I'm a little skeptical about your weight gain. Sounds to me like your putting on lots of water, or that the weight your gaining is/can be lost extremly easy(nothing weight). For example; when you got sick earlier in your cycle. Have you been doing cardio at all? I want to end on a better note though, you've done a really great job of keeping us all posted. I particulary like your thread because you tell us how your feeling/effects/gains/ect. Most people just like to give detailed explanations of there work out routines which just drives me crazy. Kudos bro!