Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one


Community Veteran
I'm planning out my spring cycle and want to share what I have worked out. I always appreciate feed back positive or negative.

This will be my last real cycle before I fade away into old man oblivion of just HGH with peptides. My son is late teens now and knows what I do and have been doing for so long, he made me promise it was time to stop. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) will most likely be in my future also. I'm not sure I am going to settle for high 400's as my permanent test levels and that is what they have been for the last 3-4 years post cycle.

Weeks 1-20 Primo @ 1200 milligrams per week. (bayer brand HG)

Weeks 1-20 Test Cypionate 500mg per
week (watson, HG buying a friends stash of it)

weeks 20-24 test prop 150mg eod

HG so it's dosed at 50mg per ml :(

weeks 16-24 anavar 100mg ed *** Need to think this one over...100 too high?

HCG starting 3 weeks after first shot...500 split into 2 shots per week. Will run this all the way through till week 24

HGH ( going for Jins nothing in stone here) starting 6 weeks before the cycle and running it at 6iu ED 6 on 1 off weeks 1-30

after week 30 I will continue the HGH at a total of 20IU-30 per week, switching how i run it every few weeks. ED, eod, 5 on 2 off, 6 on 1 off

post cycle therapy (pct) weeks 24-30 ( 6 week post cycle therapy (pct))

clomid 50mg ed x 6 weeks

nolvadex 40mg ed x 2 weeks followed by 20mg ed 4 weeks.

It's a very strange cycle but it is something I have been wanting to do for a long time now. Since I am making it my last one it might as well be the one that I've been thinking about for several years now.

Feel free to ask me why I am doing something a certain way. If something seems out of whack please speak up.

It's going to cost an arm and a leg and I start buying the pieces first of DEC to have it all paid for and ready to go for April.

I have armidex on hand just in case but do not plan to use it.
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Could I trouble a mod to move this for me please.. It won't let me delete it. Was intended for the cycle forum.
Var really Wtf pops I could not of come from your loins, why is it like this? shortages of stuff? And Hcg so soon is that a good thing you do get immune to that shit I read and HgH ran 30 weeks with all this a good Idea or should be ran longer what I was thinking? Guess you gotta answer my questions lol
Anavar (var) really Wtf pops I could not of come from your loins, why is it like this? shortages of stuff? And Hcg so soon is that a good thing you do get immune to that shit I read and HgH ran 30 weeks with all this a good Idea or should be ran longer what I was thinking? Guess you gotta answer my questions lol

Anavar (var) is really not the trash many think. In this cycle it will be the hood emblem on the caddy :) it will also be HG if I can source it. The only thing I have not located yet..

As you see the dosages are big with the primo and the Anavar (var) at 100 is going to kick the lipids ass but all in all they are milder compounds than say tren and Drol. remember I've had oxidation going on in me for almost 5 decades ;)
correct the way you are using Anavar (var) but noone else uses it like you intentions

You know I really value you input. I have a note book here on the table and I wrote down. Balboa says WTF! :) I'm open to your suggestions on what to replace it with. Just keep in mind I've been abusing this body off and on for decades. You don't want to bury your pops do ya? lol
Anavar (var) is really not the trash many think. In this cycle it will be the hood emblem on the caddy :) it will also be HG if I can source it. The only thing I have not located yet..

As you see the dosages are big with the primo and the Anavar (var) at 100 is going to kick the lipids ass but all in all they are milder compounds than say tren and Drol. remember I've had oxidation going on in me for almost 5 decades ;)

I think your goin to love that cycle, i'm a fan of long cycles obviously. I've been thinking about adding Anavar (var) here soon also but the 60-80mg range, i'm a little worried about bp issues with it.

Been talking to a few guys about it lately. I think it will mix great with the primo and promote a lot of quality/clean mass.

But man HG primo at that dosege, I dont even want to know the cost Zeek, might as well go out with a bang.
Reading this makes me sad. Your last cycle.... well I'm glad to see your getting to do the one you've planned/ imagined for a few years though. Zeek it looks good to me. It is a little long but as you said Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is in the future so who cares.

One thing I would have to say is I would UP the dose of Test E ( I do not know how much you have but increased to an amount you would use it all) and drop the prop from like weeks 7 through whenever the Test E ran out. I would then use more prop at the end. I cannot give exact numbers cause IDK how many ML you have, but the idea here is to reduce injections. you can slin HGH but not really the prop ( maybe). So HOWEVER you could get the numbers to work I think you can get your injections WAY down using this idea.

I do not know anything about Primo and this may be injected EoD with prop and then the paragraph above is omitted.

At any rate I hope you have a good cycle and find HG for everything.
I think your goin to love that cycle, i'm a fan of long cycles obviously. I've been thinking about adding Anavar (var) here soon also but the 60-80mg range, i'm a little worried about bp issues with it.

Been talking to a few guys about it lately. I think it will mix great with the primo and promote a lot of quality/clean mass.

But man HG primo at that dosege, I dont even want to know the cost Zeek, might as well go out with a bang.

The primo will run 120/week the HG test is at a fair price because coming from a friend. The prop will be expensive looking at two brands and the ana Anavar (var) , if I can source HG will be very steep also. OH BTW did not mention which GH, it will be Ankebio also HG HGH. 2x the price of the better Chinese generics

How long of a run do you plan with GH zeek?

Until I am recovered and then i will take my usual 3 months off then jump back on for life cycling is 6months on 3 off.

Reading this makes me sad. Your last cycle.... well I'm glad to see your getting to do the one you've planned/ imagined for a few years though. Zeek it looks good to me. It is a little long but as you said Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is in the future so who cares.

One thing I would have to say is I would UP the dose of Test E ( I do not know how much you have but increased to an amount you would use it all) and drop the prop from like weeks 7 through whenever the Test E ran out. I would then use more prop at the end. I cannot give exact numbers cause IDK how many ML you have, but the idea here is to reduce injections. you can slin HGH but not really the prop ( maybe). So HOWEVER you could get the numbers to work I think you can get your injections WAY down using this idea.

I do not know anything about Primo and this may be injected EoD with prop and then the paragraph above is omitted.

At any rate I hope you have a good cycle and find HG for everything.

Thanks bro and your input gives me something to ponder for sure. Simplicity is always the best route.
Its posts like this that really show how many quality guys we have on info to reply Its depressing or the knowledgable guys read and never post not knocking ology just stating where the fuck Dadawag at
Its posts like this that really show how many quality guys we have on info to reply Its depressing or the knowledgable guys read and never post not knocking ology just stating where the fuck Dadawag at

It's sat night. I will even appreciate the newbies with 5 posts feed back. Sometimes someone can point out something that makes you think about something else. or ask a question. The last cycle is very important to me. Not as important as the first cycle though!!! Hope new guys reading take note of what i just said because it is true.

DADAWG will post here, he knows I will listen to him and not defend something for 5 pages lol We already know DADAWG frowns on some of the weak stuff in this cycle. I'm all ears too
It's sat night. I will even appreciate the newbies with 5 posts feed back. Sometimes someone can point out something that makes you think about something else. or ask a question. The last cycle is very important to me. Not as important as the first cycle though!!! Hope new guys reading take note of what i just said because it is true.

DADAWG will post here, he knows I will listen to him and not defend something for 5 pages lol We already know DADAWG frowns on some of the weak stuff in this cycle. I'm all ears too

guys on cycle are not allowed to have a saturday night dammit lol
guys on cycle are not allowed to have a saturday night dammit lol

Even I will have to get off in a bit for a while. My lady friend will come when the kids are sleeping. Long story for another time but they don't like any women around me and act up like crazy when she comes here.
just one thing about the ankebio my "respected elder"... it is 192aa, not 191aa, leaving many to believe it's not as effective
just one thing about the ankebio my "respected elder"... it is 192aa, not 191aa, leaving many to believe it's not as effective

I remember back in 05-06 when they were indeed 192aa and it even stated that on their website. A few months later they switched it on their site to claim they were now 191aa.

If they are still in fact 192aa I don't want any part of it and I've not sent the cash out for this yet.

You are there and know better than any of us over here.

is this something you are fairly sure of? If so it's out! and you have my many thanks!

I've got 192aa phobia even if it works fine for the vast majority. The anti bodies scare me
I don't know much about most of the gear you'll be running but I look forward to learning from your experience. Good luck zeek.
I remember back in 05-06 when they were indeed 192aa and it even stated that on their website. A few months later they switched it on their site to claim they were now 191aa.

If they are still in fact 192aa I don't want any part of it and I've not sent the cash out for this yet.

You are there and know better than any of us over here.

is this something you are fairly sure of? If so it's out! and you have my many thanks!

I've got 192aa phobia even if it works fine for the vast majority. The anti bodies scare me
they indeed did change to "191aa" on their site, but the packaging is identical to the way it used to be... I'm not 100% sure that they have made the change in their product or not, but doubt about people being honest is very common about anything here in China... just looking out for ya bro