Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

What are your stats at Zeek? Definitely looking forward to seeing your progress.

I'll get a pic to put up sometime this week. putting a pic up will help keep me motivated to show progress because then i have the guys to hold me accountable as well as myself.

5 ft 9 and some change barefoot lol

265-270 lbs big and bulky, no abs showing but no spare tire either. BF 16-18 I'm on a sloppy bulker and not running any GH right now.; I lean up considerably once i get back on GH.

Definitely not dieting or anything like that going into the winter. I'll clean up for the spring and summer

keep in mind I'm pushing 50 :goof:
I'll get a pic to put up sometime this week. putting a pic up will help keep me motivated to show progress because then i have the guys to hold me accountable as well as myself.

5 ft 9 and some change barefoot lol

265-270 lbs big and bulky, no abs showing but no spare tire either. BF 16-18 I'm on a sloppy bulker and not running any GH right now.; I lean up considerably once i get back on GH.

Definitely not dieting or anything like that going into the winter. I'll clean up for the spring and summer

keep in mind I'm pushing 50 :goof:

Zeek my friend you sound like a BEAST. I'm looking forward to following this cycle. We'll see if it really ends up being your last :D

Cheers bud.
Zeek my friend you sound like a BEAST. I'm looking forward to following this cycle. We'll see if it really ends up being your last :D

Cheers bud.

I still have size and strength but really can't compare to many of the guys who are in their 20's and 30's who are big, strong and CUT :p

Dahurt, it's not like I'm going "clean" after I will still be doing HGH, Peptides, IGF, low dose test. Not exactly the natural athlete :angel:
I still have size and strength but really can't compare to many of the guys who are in their 20's and 30's who are big, strong and CUT :p

Dahurt, it's not like I'm going "clean" after I will still be doing HGH, Peptides, IGF, low dose test. Not exactly the natural athlete :angel:

Haha touche...what the hell IS natural these days anyways?!

That looks awesome.. aside from the fact that your not lying about it costing an arm and a leg.

The 8 weeks of Anavar (var) will be the icing on the cake, although wouldn't you get more bang for you buck with say tren ace ?

That looks awesome.. aside from the fact that your not lying about it costing an arm and a leg.

The 8 weeks of Anavar (var) will be the icing on the cake, although wouldn't you get more bang for you buck with say tren ace ?

Hi Crackfox!

Yes would definitely get more bang for the buck but I would also face a longer recovery and more possible damage to my health from tren. Tren is toxic to me, I even feel polluted when I do it.

I'm trying to go on a higher dose/ low penalty type run here. The pay dirt is going to be the 20 weeks of 1200mg primo. The Anavar (var) will go nice too i think.

I appreciate your input bro!
I thought as much !

Your going to kill it with the 1200mg of primo Zeek and with the Anavar (var) your going to look like one vascular beast.

All the best for your cycle, be sure to keep us all posted :)
I thought as much !

Your going to kill it with the 1200mg of primo Zeek and with the Anavar (var) your going to look like one vascular beast. I want the primo to be the center piece and really show me what it can do at the higher dosages.

All the best for your cycle, be sure to keep us all posted :)

I'm glad I posted this early on. I've already saved myself from a possible mess on the HGH end.

Still debating where to run the test at. Some guys have said higher, I was actually thinking even lower. like 200mg per week of test. Just enough to keep the soldier saluting :)

Also looking to hear if anyone has ran the primo at a higher dose than 1200/wk and if so were there benefits. Curious at what point primo brings in side effects and what they are.

I'll be sure to keep a detailed log for you guys though. Count on it!
500 mg seems like a nice digit to keep everything moving along smoothly.

I once had a gym buddy who ran primo at 800mg/week for 22 weeks, said towards the end he bumped to a gram and he didn't really notice anything besides a larger hole in his wallet.

A little of topic, but have you heard good things about Primo combined with Dbol ?
500 mg seems like a nice digit to keep everything moving along smoothly.

I once had a gym buddy who ran primo at 800mg/week for 22 weeks, said towards the end he bumped to a gram and he didn't really notice anything besides a larger hole in his wallet.

A little of topic, but have you heard good things about Primo combined with Dbol ?

What are you thinking CF? test+ primo with a d-bol kickstart?

Let me give you a heads up on D-bol in case you are going to run some soon.

Human grade Jelfa's D-bols from Poland are the absolute best D-bol I've run ever. Better than the old naposim in blister packs even. Very clean if that word can be used to describe an AAS. I used 25mg per day only and the results surpassed my last few runs with D-bol at 50 mg of UG.
What are you thinking CF? test+ primo with a d-bol kickstart?


No actually I was just curious, I just remembered hearing some time ago that primo + dbol was fantastic.

Today is the start of week 3 for me into:

1-12 : 500mg Oregon sus 250
2-12 : 400 mg Masteron blend ( 50mg prop/150mg enathate per ml)

for a long time I've been curious about primo, I believe you said at 800 mg you underwent a complete body transformation.. Have you considered just running 800mg for say 24 -26 weeks ? would you stand to gain more out of it ?
I think either way is going to be fine with 1.2g for 20 weeks or even 800 for a few extra weeks.

ZEEK I just realized today that I have my primo already. I wasn't expecting it to be dropped off yet but it has been. I let you know my full plan once I decide on what it is and I'm sure you can guess where it's from based on our conversation, but I'm thinking it's time for a log with it at 800-1000mg a week. So if I log this I will also list the lab as I think it will be good in comparison to the type you are planning to use.

I still need to get doses, cycle length, diet, and all that worked out. I really like the idea of keeping test to a minimum but I'm also trying to decide on the exact dose to go with and have always had a more is better approach but I need to think this over because I want to do this specifically to see how well the primo works.

No actually I was just curious, I just remembered hearing some time ago that primo + dbol was fantastic.

Today is the start of week 3 for me into:

1-12 : 500mg Oregon sus 250
2-12 : 400 mg Masteron blend ( 50mg prop/150mg enathate per ml)

for a long time I've been curious about primo, I believe you said at 800 mg you underwent a complete body transformation.. Have you considered just running 800mg for say 24 -26 weeks ? would you stand to gain more out of it ?

Yes it did but it was late in the cycle before I got happy about it.. I was a good 12 weeks in and one day I was like damn!! ok this stuff is a good compound. That was 800mg/ew It wasn't on it's own, i had all sorts of things mixed in for the first 12 weeks. But toward the end it was test and primo and that is when i saw the possibilities.

I think either way is going to be fine with 1.2g for 20 weeks or even 800 for a few extra weeks.

ZEEK I just realized today that I have my primo already. I wasn't expecting it to be dropped off yet but it has been. I let you know my full plan once I decide on what it is and I'm sure you can guess where it's from based on our conversation, but I'm thinking it's time for a log with it at 800-1000mg a week. So if I log this I will also list the lab as I think it will be good in comparison to the type you are planning to use.

I still need to get doses, cycle length, diet, and all that worked out. I really like the idea of keeping test to a minimum but I'm also trying to decide on the exact dose to go with and have always had a more is better approach but I need to think this over because I want to do this specifically to see how well the primo works.

That is awesome bro! Does spartan labs primo come in 200mg per ml?

I'm really wanting to hear if someone has ran the primo higher than 1200, I mean if 600-1k is the starting point to see good gains. I know somebody out there has taken it to 1500ish at least.

there are a lot people who don't know about primo, I'm talking experienced vets to the game. Probably because of the cost more than anything.

i've been wanting to run high dose primo for a 20+ weeker now for several years and just could never decide to drop the money on it. 2 grand in primo for a compound known to be mild and also think of all the oil at 100mg per ml.

Have not given much thought yet to how i am going to split up these shots
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Let me check with another guy. He's older than both of us and runs primo all year with test and gh as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and I'm sure he's bumped it higher for a blast.

Yup Spartan is 200mg/ml so looking to put it to the test.
Yes it did but it was late in the cycle before I got happy about it.. I was a good 12 weeks in and one day I was like damn!! ok this stuff is a good compound. That was 800mg/ew It wasn't on it's own, i had all sorts of things mixed in for the first 12 weeks. But toward the end it was test and primo and that is when i saw the possibilities.

That is awesome bro! Does spartan labs primo come in 200mg per ml?

I'm really wanting to hear if someone has ran the primo higher than 1200, I mean if 600-1k is the starting point to see good gains. I know somebody out there has taken it to 1500ish at least.

there are a lot people who don't know about primo, I'm talking experienced vets to the game. Probably because of the cost more than anything.

i've been wanting to run high dose primo for a 20+ weeker now for several years and just could never decide to drop the money on it. 2 grand in primo for a compound known to be mild and also think of all the oil at 100mg per ml.

Have not given much thought yet to how i am going to split up these shots

i wish i could do it as well but , the price ?
you tell us your experianc when you done it .i might do it
i wish i could do it as well but , the price ?
you tell us your experianc when you done it .i might do it

Hi Hamidgs!

My end price is going to be way different than what someone like user would pay for his. I'm buying Bayer primo which is the top of the line human grade. The only reason i am doing it like this is because I want to be sure it is legit and I'm well over 90% sure that it will be.

I have had some bad experiences with UG primo over the years. Once i knew for a fact it was EQ because i felt the anxiety, had the higher hemocrit and was starving all the time.

The brand User will be running is one of the better UGL's that is about as good a chance as you can get on UGL primo IMO

Users would be about half of what my end price will be. And he has the convenience of his oil being 200mg per ML where mine is 100mg per ML. I will be injecting 14cc of oil weekly.

This will require serious rotations then i also have to decide btween 2cc max shots or go to 3. I'm not going over 3cc in any muscle.

Been there done that. doesn;t look so bad at 7 injections weekly

I will be working with 1 glute, the other is scar tissued out inside. Two delts, two quads and 2 pecs. that gives me my 7 spots.

Obviously I am very new to this game. I am extremely jealous of how so many people have access and I am over here questioning what is real or fake. Man this is lame. You sounds like you got all the knowledge. I am wondering if I can reach out to you for advice? How long u been doing this, if you dont mind me asking? You must look pretty good to be running cycles like that?



Obviously I am very new to this game. I am extremely jealous of how so many people have access and I am over here questioning what is real or fake. Man this is lame. You sounds like you got all the knowledge. I am wondering if I can reach out to you for advice? How long u been doing this, if you dont mind me asking? You must look pretty good to be running cycles like that?



I've been casual in this lifestyle and that is what I think has allowed me the many years to learn andplay the game.

Tell you what TBT, you hang in there and be active on this site. There is a learning curve that you need to get through anyway. By then you know people and people know you. Doesn't take long at all. When people like you they are not going to just sit back while you play trial and error with things you are injecting into your body. You follow me?

You will need at least 50 posts before you can PM people or they can PM you.

I'm always available for advice as are dozens of other active members here who answer questions and help guys daily.

Primo isn't the best option often times. It is however a safe option and when you get some years on you it's time to start thinking like that in relation to cycles or you end up getting sick or worse.