Zeeks Spring cycle..Will be my last one

Ahhhh yes, the infamous 'last cycle' lol:)
Just messing w/ you pops, your reasons are sound and it looks like you've been in the game for quite some time.

Onto your cycle....
Love the primo... that should be nice (except of course on they wallet, but f it, only money right)
Overall, it looks totally solid. Nothing "wrong". Only thing in that area would be anti-e's and estrogen control, but I'm sure you know you're body and have some on hand soooo no biggie.

Onto preferences,
I noticed your using all long esters up front. I would either toss an oral in to start, or a short ester to get things going right... (like how you're doing that on the tail end w/ prop and Anavar (var), but I'd think about doing that up front also).
Also, this is def pref, but I'm a fan of a bit higher dose of test... Might think of raising that, it is after all your last run...

Other than that, don't forget to enjoy:)
I don't know much about most of the gear you'll be running but I look forward to learning from your experience. Good luck zeek.

Thank you snake.. I'm hoping for some final gains and then we will see what a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage, good training and diet will allow me to keep.

they indeed did change to "191aa" on their site, but the packaging is identical to the way it used to be... I'm not 100% sure that they have made the change in their product or not, but doubt about people being honest is very common about anything here in China... just looking out for ya bro

That is good enough for me China_Wall! I won't be making the GH order until after Jan 1st so if you happen to learn more on them please let me know. For now I am going to plan to switch over to Riptropins for the next run. That will leave more money for peptides. Thank you bro

Ahhhh yes, the infamous 'last cycle' lol:)
Just messing w/ you pops, your reasons are sound and it looks like you've been in the game for quite some time.

Onto your cycle....
Love the primo... that should be nice (except of course on they wallet, but f it, only money right)
Overall, it looks totally solid. Nothing "wrong". Only thing in that area would be anti-e's and estrogen control, but I'm sure you know you're body and have some on hand soooo no biggie.

Onto preferences,
I noticed your using all long esters up front. I would either toss an oral in to start, or a short ester to get things going right... (like how you're doing that on the tail end w/ prop and Anavar (var), but I'd think about doing that up front also).
Also, this is def pref, but I'm a fan of a bit higher dose of test... Might think of raising that, it is after all your last run...

Other than that, don't forget to enjoy:)

that makes 2 of you guys saying the test is too low. My current dosage is 750mg per week on the test but I have gone a bit crazy in years past and once took it to 3 grams of just test. The sides were horrible, anxiety along with major BP issues. I'm between 265-270 right now and as you guys know I'm old. I don't know the condition of my arteries. I've eaten a lot of meat most of my life, beef in particular.

So I am trying to be careful but you make a valid point, it is the last run. At least I hope so and am planning it that way.

What are you guys thinking on a test dosage?between 750 and a gram the difference in gains has been minuscule for me. I really was considering even less test just enough to keep my manhood running.

Keep in mind at 500mg of test + 1200 primo and later the 8 weeks of var. I will be pushing 2400 mg per week total gear.

Thanks bro, you definitely have given me some food for thought here.
That cycle looks great ZEEK. Looks exactly like what I'm planning.

There's nothing to critique. I personally run hcg the entire duration and would continue it on trt. My only opinion is why not skip the pct and just go right to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I guess you would need to come off to do any testing for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but as we get older I believe it's better to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) a little before our body pushes us there.

I would continue the gh off with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test at about 3 iu a day. 5 on 2 off. On the two off I would run mod grf and ghrp2 3 x a day. This gives you a weekly break and forces the pituitary to remain active in producing gh.

Anavar (var) is best used at certain times with certain people. The reason why all of us rag on Anavar (var) is simply because every 165 lb guy would be running test/ Anavar (var) cycles when needing a bulk instead. And it doesn't cut fat like everyone thinks but what it will do for ZEEK is increase strength and give crazy pumps plus help achieve the overall look he is trying to achieve.

This cycle isn't for most people considering the cost to the type of gains. This is a cycle for a guy who has been thru it all and looking to reduce sides and fine tune his physique with the mass he's already built over the years. The overall combo will be excellent but slow and steady.

Honestly I'm looking at test/gh/primo to be my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as long as bloods ok it. If you are going to be done with the cycles, test/gh in very moderate dose will maintain muscle, keep you lean, and keep a fullness to your muscle.

Instead of actuall cycles after this you could just bump your gh and occasionally add some primo or Anavar (var) once a year just to get past any walls you may reach.

You have a good grasp of things and everything looks great to me and before to long this may be what my cycles look like. I haven't given up on the goods just yet but I've already cut doses by 1/4 for now.

Good luck and I would love to see a log of this. If I do something similar I may log it. But my love of deca and tren is going to be hard to get over. I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on them just yet.

Oh and throw in some igf here and there and you will continue to push forward with eliminating most androgens.
Also I see no reason to increase your test dose. 500mg is plenty. I find much less sides with lowered test. For me 125-200 test and 300-375 tren works fine with zero sides. Although I take supps to help with bp and lipids.

Var can hit them hard so add in your supps.

Hcg is perfectly fine run long term at these doses. Large doses can desensitize but myself and others have tested this numerous times. I've taken large doses of it just to see what happens followed by smaller inject followed by long term use of high the low. Never did I notice a problem and I have never seen proof that it can desensitize. At most a large dose may make the next small dose less effective but subsequent dosing is fine.

Keep your doses where they are my friend. Add in a good amount of supps to help with Bp, lipids and you are good to go.
Good reading. I just finished my first cycle and am suffering through post cycle therapy (pct). I'm about to start a run of HGH. So it's all very new and exciting...hadn't spent much time thinking of an exit strategy, but probably should. I'm no spring chicken... Best of luck to you, man.

Never having run Primo, I'm surprised that it's your focus. I'm guessing that you just really LIKE Primo, right? Why that over Masteron? And the main reason for a DHT derivative is to minimize sides?
Thanks for the awesome analysis, it's like you were able to get in my head as far as the reasoning goes. We are on the same page mentally looking for longevity in this game.

I'm not 100% sure about the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), It's like 90% if I had to put a number to it.The last 3-4 years I've been running 2 12 weekers per year and recovery has meant 450-490's as over all total test levels. Free test has been all over the place. I went almost 1 year between cycles in the last 5 and I still could not break 500. I dropped all the way down 238 lbs at one point but I was a good bit leaner from the GH.

That cycle looks great ZEEK. Looks exactly like what I'm planning.

There's nothing to critique. I personally run hcg the entire duration and would continue it on trt. My only opinion is why not skip the pct and just go right to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I guess you would need to come off to do any testing for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but as we get older I believe it's better to go on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) a little before our body pushes us there.

I would continue the gh off with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) test at about 3 iu a day. 5 on 2 off. On the two off I would run mod grf and ghrp2 3 x a day. This gives you a weekly break and forces the pituitary to remain active in producing gh.

Anavar (var) is best used at certain times with certain people. The reason why all of us rag on Anavar (var) is simply because every 165 lb guy would be running test/ Anavar (var) cycles when needing a bulk instead. And it doesn't cut fat like everyone thinks but what it will do for ZEEK is increase strength and give crazy pumps plus help achieve the overall look he is trying to achieve.

This cycle isn't for most people considering the cost to the type of gains. This is a cycle for a guy who has been thru it all and looking to reduce sides and fine tune his physique with the mass he's already built over the years. The overall combo will be excellent but slow and steady.

Honestly I'm looking at test/gh/primo to be my Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) as long as bloods ok it. If you are going to be done with the cycles, test/gh in very moderate dose will maintain muscle, keep you lean, and keep a fullness to your muscle.

Instead of actuall cycles after this you could just bump your gh and occasionally add some primo or Anavar (var) once a year just to get past any walls you may reach.

You have a good grasp of things and everything looks great to me and before to long this may be what my cycles look like. I haven't given up on the goods just yet but I've already cut doses by 1/4 for now.

Good luck and I would love to see a log of this. If I do something similar I may log it. But my love of deca and tren is going to be hard to get over. I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on them just yet.

Oh and throw in some igf here and there and you will continue to push forward with eliminating most androgens.
Good reading. I just finished my first cycle and am suffering through post cycle therapy (pct). I'm about to start a run of HGH. So it's all very new and exciting...hadn't spent much time thinking of an exit strategy, but probably should. I'm no spring chicken... Best of luck to you, man.

Never having run Primo, I'm surprised that it's your focus. I'm guessing that you just really LIKE Primo, right? Why that over Masteron? And the main reason for a DHT derivative is to minimize sides?

It's a bit of wanting to test an urban legend of sorts, primo at 1200mg probably wouldn't touch tren at 400 mg. 800mg weekly of primo did change my entire look, 1200 should do more. I don't like masteron and I can't stay on tren 20 weeks but primo I can. Not worrying about hemocrit is also a huge plus with primo. Right now with 750 test it is going to be an issue when I get my blood work. Hemocrit was already at 49 pre cycle. in the normal but a hair away from high. I'll start giving blood in the next week or two

You will pick up that the older guys are scared of thick blood. When that gets high really bad things start to happen. Blod clots, strokes, heart attacks. It's the number 1 killer, crippler for guys my age that still play the game.

Rips are nice but I'll pm you tomorrow ZEEK with a much better choice IMO.

I'm all ears thx
i dont get why ppl give Anavar (var) so much crap. i like Anavar (var) . the only thing i dont like about it is the price.

Zeek we have never talked but I always look for your posts because of your knowledge and calm demeanor. If this is indeed your last cycle, I hope it is everything you want it to be and I'm definitely in for any sort of log you are going to be posting.

I have never cycled myself (going to run a PH cycle as soon as my stuff gets here) but you are definitely on the short list of people I was going to PM with questions when I get sources and additional knowledge etc.

Best of luck bud.
Thank you DuRst!

I'm happy to help you in anyway that I can DuRst. I still plan to stick around on the site even after I give up doing cycles. I'll still be using GH and peptides and most likely, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) also.

I'll end up going through Chip when that time comes.


Zeek we have never talked but I always look for your posts because of your knowledge and calm demeanor. If this is indeed your last cycle, I hope it is everything you want it to be and I'm definitely in for any sort of log you are going to be posting.

I have never cycled myself (going to run a PH cycle as soon as my stuff gets here) but you are definitely on the short list of people I was going to PM with questions when I get sources and additional knowledge etc.

Best of luck bud.
Haha. AARP, maybe we can get you a discount on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) or your entire cycle if we can just find someone who gives a discount for "experience".

ZEEK I'm only 34 and I'm already concerned with hematocrit and hemoglobin. Came off my last deca cycle at 19 and 54 and this was with regular blood donations. I've got that down now and it was the exact reason I began looking into a cycle of primo. I'm playing with doses now on other compounds as well. I know my numbers were high simply from the duration of my cycle.

Unfortunately I have read that gh can increase hemo/hemato as well but i have not necessarily experienced that yet. Im still trying to research that but it may be in the higher doses like with many other things.

As far as mast, I'm a fan of it, but it tends to make skin oily, so I'm ready for the primo as well and if you like what it did with your physique ZEEK then I'm excited to see what it can do for me as well.

And let me just say I know some 50+ guys who look great and are kicking ass in the gym everyday. I swear the one guy has more energy than I do and looks great. So you may be a advanced member in this game but it's all about getting smarter, doing things in a healthy way, and figuring ways to maintain a respectable level without all the heavy androgens.
I started to worry about hemocrit, dosages and most important, plenty of off time between cycles when i turned 35. I was very sloppy in my 20's, I looked my best but I'm lucky to have come out of that in one piece. And There may still be some checks floating around out there from when i was in my 20's that just have not been cashed yet :( I might slip up and mention something i did back then once in a while but I try to avoid talking about those cycles ( if you can even call them that) for fear of some guy thinking well he got away with it, I can too.

I am scared to announce or claim good health because I don't want to jinx myself. With the changes you have done and plan you should have at least another 15 years to cycle without too many issues lol

My lipids in particular were so good this last pre cycle testing that I really hated to do the D-bol at the front of this cycle and mess it up. I had to try the HG jelfas and in the end I am glad that i did. they were very clean if that makes sense.

I have not found HGH to raise hemocrit at all. Most pre cycle blood work has had GH as part of it also.
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